
Poster Sessions




Creating Innovative Solutions for a Sustainable Future through Nuclear Horizons.

The conclave will provide a common platform for experts and participants from all the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India units and will serve as a focal point for discussions on the latest advancements in diverse applications of nuclear science and allied technologies.

Organised by National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) Bhubaneswar.


About the DAE Conclave 2024


Since its inception on August 3, 1954, the primary mandate of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has been the development and deployment of nuclear technology for energy and national security and the application of radiation technologies in the fields of agriculture, health care, industry, and basic research. While carrying out its mandate, DAE has simultaneously developed and mastered several complex technologies in radio astronomy, supercomputing, particle accelerators, plasma, and cryogenics. Developing these complex technologies has always resulted from the department’s high-standard basic and applied research.

As the country’s leading scientific department, DAE has substantially contributed to several national and international programs. Considering the above development of the department over seven decades, DAE has sought an annual conclave to celebrate its scientific accomplishments and plan for the future. Thus, DAE has planned to host its inaugural Conclave at NISER Bhubaneswar from October 22-26, 2024, as a part of its Platinum Jubilee Celebration. This landmark event will provide a platform for experts and participants from all the DAE units and its aided institutions to showcase their scientific and technological accomplishments. The Conclave will serve as a focal point for discussions on the latest advancements in diverse applications of nuclear science and technology, encompassing critical areas such as energy security, healthcare, food security, water security, waste management, and cutting-edge technologies including unique and critical materials, advance computational technology including quantum Computing, 3D printing technology, mining and processing of atomic minerals and basic and applied research in connected areas. Notably, the participation of around 500 scientists, experts, and more than 50 exhibitors will enhance the experience by showcasing state-of-the-art equipment and services related to nuclear science and technology for societal benefits. Moreover, the conclave will contextualize these results against the backdrop of the global target for achieving net-zero carbon emissions and addressing the escalating India’s energy demand in the forthcoming years. In addition, the Conclave will also create platforms to provide solutions for Food Security and Health Care through Nuclear Energy for India’s 1.6 billion population by mid-century. In doing so, the Conclave will contribute to defining a path forward in the dynamic landscape of nuclear energy research and technology application.

Purpose and Objectives

DAE Conclave 2024 will provide a unique opportunity to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • To Present critical developments in the fields of:
    • Energy Security
    • Food, Water Security and Urban Waste Management
    • Health Care
    • Critical Materials, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 3D Printing, and cutting-edge Technologies such as LASER, Plasma, AI and ML, Accelerators, Cyber Security, etc.
    • Advanced Technologies for Instrumentations and Control Systems
    • Scientific accomplishment in basic sciences directed Research and innovations in education and training.
  • To exhibit DAE technologies for the benefit of society, students, young researchers, Industries, Health Care Professionals, etc.

Expected Outcomes

The Conclave will foster cooperation among researchers, technology providers, operators, and academia. Furthermore, by familiarizing participants with various crosscutting technologies, this conclave will offer a conclusive environment for further gearing up and fostering the novel concepts required for advancing cutting-edge technologies.

Target Audience

  • DAE Scientists, Technologist and Engineers
  • Entrepreneurs or stakeholders involved in applications of Nuclear and Radiation technologies
  • Young Research scientists engaged in nuclear and radiation research
  • Policymakers and regulators

Structure and Topics

The conclave will include keynote lectures, panel discussions, poster presentations, and exhibitions. Finally, a closing session will be held to review the proceedings and provide future recommendations. The scope of the conference is meant to cover, but is not limited to, the following topical areas:

Energy Security

  • Nuclear Energy and Climate Change Mitigation: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Securing the Nuclear Supply Chain: Challenges and Solutions
  • Pioneering the Future of Energy Security: Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and Beyond
  • Hydrogen Production from Nuclear Energy: A Clean Energy Source
  • Thorium Reactor Technology
  • Advanced Reactor Technologies (Molten Salt Reactors, HTGCR, FBRs, etc.): Towards Efficient and Sustainable Energy
  • Fuel Cycle: Exploration, Mining, conversion, reprocessing and waste management
  • Nuclear Fuel: Design and Fabrication
  • Heavy Water Technology
  • Pathway for Nuclear Fusion
  • Safety, Security and Safeguard by design for advanced energy system

Nuclear Energy for Food and Water Security, Health Care, and Urban Waste Management

  • Towards Sustainable Agriculture: Nuclear Applications for Food Security
  • Smart Agriculture: Nuclear Techniques for Crop Improvement
  • Revolutionizing Healthcare: Advances in Nuclear Medicine
  • Innovative Approaches to Radioisotope Production for Medical Imaging
  • Radiation Therapy Breakthroughs: A Paradigm Shift in Cancer Treatment
  • Radiation Oncology in the Era of Personalized Medicine
  • Biological Effects of Low-Dose Radiation: Current Understanding
  • Managing Tomorrow’s Waste: Innovations in Urban Waste Management Technologies
  • Nuclear Desalination: Addressing Water Scarcity with Innovation

Advanced Technologies like Quantum Computing, Particle Accelerators, 3D-Printing, etc.

  • Unlocking Quantum Potential: Nuclear Science and the Quantum Computing Frontier
  • Accelerator Physics and Technology: High Energy Accelerators in Particle Physics
  • Innovations in Accelerator-Driven Systems: A Path to Sustainable Nuclear Energy
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Precision 3D-Printing: From Prototypes to Production
  • Laser and Plasma
  • Biotechnology, Space Exploration
  • Robotics and Automation, Advanced Instrumentation and Control System
  • Nuclear Forensic

Critical Minerals and Materials

  • Critical Minerals and value chain
  • Advanced Materials in Nuclear Technology
  • Game-Changers in Nuclear Materials: From Discovery to Deployment
  • Innovations in Nuclear Fusion Materials: Breakthroughs and Challenges
  • Materials Challenges in Extreme Nuclear Environments: Insights and Solutions

Basic science and technology

  • Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • Condensed Matter, Statistical, and Nonlinear Physics
  • Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
  • Particle Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Quantum Information
  • String theory
  • Computational Science
  • Algebra and Representation Theory
  • Algebraic geometry
  • Functional analysis
  • Geometry and Topology
  • Number theory
  • Disease diagnosis and treatment
  • Microbes: Friend and Foe
  • Stress, Pain, and Diseases
  • Plant Biotechnology


About NISER Bhubaneswar

National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, is a unique institution in India, committed to generation, dissemination and preservation of knowledge in basic sciences, integrated with the goal to create a zeal and fervor in minds of the young buds of the nation towards scientific temper. The Institute is affiliated with Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), Mumbai, a deemed research university that oversees academic programs at Institutions that are part of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) structure.

The activities at NISER can be broadly classified into three categories:

  • Science Education: NISER serves as a centre of excellence for undergraduate and postgraduate education in basic sciences by providing a flexible curriculum and a student to teacher ratio of 8:1. NISER currently offers following programmes in science education for bright and meritorious students selected on all-India basis.

    An integrated 5-year MSc programme in the core and emerging branches of Basic Sciences to students after their 10+2 Higher Secondary schooling. This in turn will be integrated with PhD programme on the one hand and employment in various R & D organizations and industry in the country on the other.
    Integrated MSc + PhD programme
    PhD programme

    The principal goal of NISER is to provide excellent environment for the students to foster creativity, imagination and innovation, paving way for a career in scientific research in academic institutes, national & international research & development labs, industries etc.
  • Scientific Research: NISER encourages both theoretical and experimental research in frontier areas in all branches of science. NISER currently has seven separate schools specializing in different areas of science. They are as follows:

    School of Biological Sciences
    School of Chemical Sciences
    School of Computer Sciences
    School of Earth and Planetary Sciences
    School of Humanities and Social Sciences
    School of Mathematical Sciences
    School of Physical Sciences
    In addition there is also a Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences & Center for Medical and Radiation Physics.

  • Science Outreach & Policy: NISER actively participates in the dissemination of scientific knowledge to public and school students with the aim to foster scientific temper, motivation and inspiration for education and career in science. The faculty members of the institute are also members of various governmental committees that develop science policies for the country.

Scientists / Experts who are dedicated towards services related to nuclear science and technology for societal benefit.


Exhibitors will enhance the experience by showcasing state-of-the-art equipment.


Institutions under DAE flagship are part of the National Advisory Committee and National Science Planning Committee.

NISER Documentary

A short documentary on NISER Bhubaneswar.


There are three major committees - NSPC, NAC & LOC which target the success of the conclave.

Chief Patron

Prof. Ajit K Mohanty
Chairman, AEC and Secretary, DAE


Prof. Hirendra Nath Ghosh
Director, NISER


Prof. Palok Aich
Dean (R&D), NISER

National Advisory Committee

  • Prof. A K Nayak | Head, Nuclear Controls and Planning Wing (NCPW)
  • Prof. Anurag Kumar | Chairman and Managing Director, Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL)
  • Shri Bhuwan Chandra Pathak | Chairman And Managing Director, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)
  • Prof. C G Karhadkar | Director, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR)
  • Prof. D Singh | CMD, Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL)
  • Dr. Deep Prakash | Director, Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP)
  • Prof. Dheeraj Pande | Director, Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMDER)
  • Prof. Dileep Jatkar | Director, Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI)
  • Prof. Gautam Bhattacharyya | Director, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP)
  • Prof. Hirendranath Ghosh | Director, National Institute of Science Education & Research (NISER)
  • Prof. Jacinta D'Souza | Director, UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (CEBS)
  • Dr. Jaya Mukherjee | Member Secretary, National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM)
  • Prof. Jayaram Chengalur | Director, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
  • Prof. K K Nanda | Director, Institute of Physics (IoP)
  • Shri K Mahapatra | Directorate of Construction, Services & Estate Management (DCSEM)
  • Shri K V Suresh Kumar | Chairman, Bharatiya Nabhikya Vidyut Nigam (BHAVINI)
  • Dr. Komal Kapoor | Chairman and Chief Executive, Nuclear Fuel Complex
  • Shri Pradip Mukherjee | Cheif Executive, Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT)
  • Prof. Ranajit Kumar | Chairman, Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES)
  • Shri S Satya Kumar | Director (Technical) Heavy Water Board (HWB)
  • Dr. Shashank Chaturvedi | Director, Institute for Plasma Research (IPR)
  • Dr. Sudeep Gupta | Director, Tata Memorial Centre (TMC)
  • Dr. Sumit Som | Director, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC)
  • Dr. U Kamachi Mudali | Vice Chancellor, HBNI
  • Dr. Unmesh D Malshe | Director, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT)
  • Prof. V Ravindran | Director, Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc)
  • Shri Ved Singh | Director, Directorate of Purchase & Stores (DPS)
  • Shri Vivek Bhasin | Director, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)

National Science Planning Committee

  • Prof. Amit Ghosh | SINP
  • Dr. Areejit Samal | Institute of Mathematical Sciences, IMSc
  • Shri B V S Sekhar | Executive Director (Corporate Planning & Corporate Communications), NPCIL
  • Prof. Bedangadas Mohanty | Coordinator NSPC, NISER
  • Dr. Garima Sharma | NCPW
  • Prof. Jacinta D'Souza | CEBS
  • Shri K L Mundra | Head, Planning Management and Services Group, AMD
  • Prof. Kalobaran Maiti | TIFR
  • Dr. Mainak Bandopadhyay | Dean (Academic), Institute for Plasma Research (IPR)
  • Shri Mohd. Yaseen | Outstanding Scientist & Director (Technical), HWB
  • Shri P K Sharma | Head, P&CD, BARC
  • Dr. S K Dixit | OS & Director, Laser Group, RRCAT
  • Prof. Satyaprakash Sahoo | IoP
  • Dr. Sorab Dalal | Prof & Senior Principal Investigator at ACTREC / TMC
  • Dr. Vaishali Naik | VECC
  • Dr. Vidhya Sundararajan | AD, SQ&RMG, IGCAR
  • Shri Y Balaji Rao | SO/H & GM (C. Lab, NUMAC & SIRD), NFC

Local Organising Committee

  • Mr. A Anandaraman
  • Prof. A Srinivasan
  • Dr. A V Anil Kumar
  • Mr. Abhaya K Mohanty
  • Dr. Abhaya K Naik
  • Dr. Ajay Kumar Dash
  • Dr. Anil Karn
  • Dr. Aritra Banik
  • Dr. Arun Kumar
  • Mr. Ashank Viswakarma
  • Dr. Ashok Mohapatra
  • Dr. B Chandramohan
  • Dr. Bandita Dash
  • Prof. Bedangadas Mohanty
  • Mr. Bidyut Siba Sankar Mohanty
  • Mr. Bikash Chandra Behera
  • Ms. Bishnupriya Das
  • Dr. Biswajit Mishra
  • Prof. Brundaban Sahu
  • Prof. C Gunanathan
  • Prof. Chandan Goswami
  • Dr. Chandra Sekhar Purohit
  • Dr. Debasmita P Alone
  • Mr. Deepak Srivastava
  • Mr. Deepankar Dash
  • Mr. Dhaneswar Nayak
  • Mr. Dilip Jha
  • Mr. Dinesh B Singh
  • Dr. Divya Undrakonda
  • Mr. Gopal K Rath
  • Dr. Gunda Santosh Babu
  • Dr. Haraprasanna Lenka
  • Dr. Liton Majumdar
  • Dr. Nagendra Sharma
  • Dr. Pankaj V Alone
  • Mr. Pradeep K Mishra
  • Dr. Praful Singru
  • Dr. Pranay Swain
  • Mr. Prasanna Muduli
  • Prof. Prasenjit Mal
  • Dr. Priyanka Pandey
  • Mr. Purna Chandra Sahu
  • Mr. Rajeev Singh
  • Dr. Ranbir Singh
  • Dr. S Peruncheralathan
  • Mr. Saikat Hira
  • Mr. Sambid R Pradhan
  • Prof. Sanjay K Swain
  • Mr. Sanjaya K Patro
  • Dr. Saralasrita Mohanty
  • Mr. Satya Narayan Mohanty
  • Dr. Saurabh Chawla
  • Dr. Sharanappa Nembenna
  • Dr. Shyamasree Ghosh
  • Dr. Sitaram
  • Mr. Souvagya Mahapatra
  • Dr. Subhankar Mishra
  • Mr. Subrat Ranjan Hota
  • Dr. Sudakshina Prusty
  • Dr. Surya Snata Rout
  • Mr. Susanta K Sethi
  • Dr. Tapan Mishra
  • Dr. Tirumala K Chowdary
  • Ms. V S Jerusha Joseph

Resource Persons

Speakers/Presenters/Exhibitors - will be updated.


Schedule of events in the DAE-Conclave is given below.

Last modified : December 17, 2024 14:36 Hrs

Schedule of Poster Presentations

Registration : 08:30 - 09:30
Inaugural Session : 09:30 - 10:30
// Dignitaries //

Prof. Palok Aich [ NISER ]
Shri Kamlesh Nilkanth Vyas [ DAE ]
Prof. Anil Kakodkar [ DAE ]
Prof. Ajit Kumar Mohanty [ DAE ]
Prof. Krishnaswamy Vijayaraghavan [ NCBS ]
Prof. Hirendra Nath Ghosh [ NISER ]

Tea/Coffee Break
Session - I22 Oct | Day-01

Prof. A K Mohanty
(Chairman) AEC

Prof. Anil Kakodkar (DAE)
Pursuing Scientific Research in A Mission Mode Organisation

Prof. K Vijayaraghavan (NCBS)
Shaping Life Sciences for the Future

Prof. Ashoke Sen (ICTS)
Gravitational Wave Tails from Soft Theorem

Lunch Break

Session - II22 Oct | Day-01

Shri Vivek Bhasin
(Director) BARC

Prof. J P Mittal (BARC)
Agony and Ecstasy of Radiation Research

Prof. Mahan Mj (TIFR)
Random Hyperbolic Geometry

Prof. Sudeep Gupta (TMC)
Delivering Affordable Cancer Care with High Quality and at Scale in India

Tea/Coffee Break

Session - III22 Oct | Day-01

Prof. V Ravindran
(Director) IMSc

Prof. Bedangadas Mohanty (NISER)
Recreating microsecond old universe conditions in the laboratory science and societal benefits.

Prof. Jayaram N Chengalur (TIFR)
Probing galaxies and the Cosmos with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope

Session - IV22 Oct | Day-01

Prof. Hirendra Nath Ghosh
(Director) NISER

Shri K N Vyas (DAE)
Global Warming and Relevance of Atomic Energy

[Transportation to Banquet Place]

Session - V23 Oct | Day-02

Prof. U Kamachi Mudali

Shri K N Vyas (DAE)
A Perspective on DAE's Many Strengths and A Few Weaknesses

Prof. Pankaj Chaturvedi (ACTREC, TMC)
Cancer Care and Control – Possible Solutions for a complex problem : Role of Department of Atomic Energy

Tea/Coffee Break

Session - VI23 Oct | Day-02

Prof. V Chandrasekhar

Prof. A K Tyagi (BARC/HBNI)
Development of materials, processes and products for nuclear sector: Role of basic sciences

Prof. M Krishnamurthy (TIFR-H)
Relativistic electron acceleration with mJ lasers at Multi kHz repetition rates

Prof. Vidita Vaidya (TIFR)
Imprints of Early Adversity - how the brain and body keeps score

Lunch Break

Session - VII23 Oct | Day-02

Prof. Gautam Bhattacharyya
(Director) SINP

Prof. Aditi Sen De (HRI)
Recent developments in quantum technologies

Prof. Aradhana Shrivastava (BARC)
Recent Advances in Nuclear Physics Research

Prof. S M Yusuf (BARC)
Spin Entanglement and Quantum Technology

Tea/Coffee Break

Session - VIII23 Oct | Day-02

Shri K Mahapatra
(Director) DCSEM

This session (16:00-17:00) will be held in LH-5, Library Annex.

Dr. Venkatesh Raman (IMSc)
Space Efficient Suffix Trees

Dr. Komal Kapoor (NFC)
Gearing up for supply of fuel and core materials for Nuclear Power Program for the next two decades


Odissi Dance performance by Dr. Ileana Citaristi and her group


Session - IX24 Oct | Day-03

Shri Pradip Mukherjee
(Chief Executive) BRIT

Prof. Shashank Chaturvedi (IPR)
Science-Based Development of Plasma & Fusion Technologies

Dr. Dheeraj Pande (AMD)
Science of Mineral Exploration and Mining

Tea/Coffee Break

Session - X24 Oct | Day-03

Dr. Unmesh D Malshe
(Director) RRCAT

Dr. Satya Ram Mishra (RRCAT)
Development of quantum technologies using cold atoms

Prof. Tapas Ganguly (RRCAT)
Science with Synchrotron facility

Prof. Vandana Nanal (TIFR)
Why do we need to worry about Gender inequality in Science?

Lunch Break

Excursion24 Oct | Day-03


Dinner24 Oct | Day-03


Session - XI25 Oct | Day-04

Dr. C G Karhadkar
(Director) IGCAR

Prof. B Venkatraman (IGCAR)
Nuclear Power and Fast Reactor Program

Dr. V Rajesh (NPCIL)
Nuclear Power: Present and Future

Tea/Coffee Break

Session - XII25 Oct | Day-04

Prof. K K Nanda
(Director) IoP

Dr. Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla (IOP)
Neutrino Tomography of Earth

Dr. Tapan Mishra (NISER)
Signatures of non-trivial doublon formation using a quantum computer

Dr. Akashrup Banerjee (SINP)
First results with India's Nuclear Astrophysics Accelerator: FRENA

Prof. C Gunanathan (NISER)
Sustainable Catalysis Enabled by Metal-Ligand Cooperation

Lunch Break

Session - XIII25 Oct | Day-04

Prof. Kalobaran Maity

Dr. Sangram Bagh (SINP)
Genetically Engineered Bacteria Identify Prime Numbers, Vowels and Answer Math Questions

Dr. Vaishali Naik (VECC)
Radioactive Ion Beams - covering the spectrum from Cosmos to Hadron Therapy

Tea/Coffee Break

Session - XIV25 Oct | Day-04

Prof. Shreepad Karmalkar
(Director) IIT-BBS

Dr. B R Mishra (IREL)
Rare Earths: Critical Material for Energy Transition

Dr. Nafees Ahmed V (BARC)
Development of Hydrogen Technologies in BARC

Smt. Manisha Rathee (HWB)
Heavy Water Technologies and Diversified Activities




Session - XV26 Oct | Day-05

Prof. Hirendra Nath Ghosh
(Director) NISER

Prof. R Chidambaram (DAE)
DAE Centric Keynote

Dr. A K Nayak (NCPW)
Atomic Energy and way forward

Tea/Coffee Break

Session - XVI26 Oct | Day-05

Prof. Palok Aich

Dr. Manjusha Dixit (NISER)
EEF1A2 Drives Dual- Mode Angiogenesis in Breast Cancer in Normoxia and via a HIF1A-Driven Feedback Loop in Hypoxia

Dr. Sandip Dhara (IGCAR)
Radiation Damage Studies at Materials Science Group

Prof. Jacinta S D'Souza (CEBS)
A-Kinase anchoring Protein scaffolds: changing partners for different roles

Dr. Manas Ranjan Sahoo (NISER)
On a Complex Sequence of Vanishing Moments

Lunch Break

Poster/Exhibits26 Oct | Day-05


Closing Session26 Oct | Day-05

Closing Session
Presentation on next conclave
// Dignitaries //
Dr. Palok Aich [ NISER ]
Host of next DAE Conclave
Dr. R Chidambaram [ DAE ]
Dr. Hirendra Nath Ghosh [ NISER ]
Dr. Bedangadas Mohanty [ NISER ]

Services for VISITORS

Pick-up & Drop

On request NISER may arrange.

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Few nearby hotels and NISER guest-house are available.

Read more

Food & Beverages

Food/Tea/Coffee will be provided throughout the event.

Medical Emergency

Basic medical facility is available in NISER Health Centre.

Local Siteseeing

Details in 'programme'.

Read more


Upon request, NISER may arrange pick-up and drop to/from Bhubaneswar (BBS) railway station, Khurda Road (KUR) railway station and Bhubaneswar airport (BBI) according to the schedule provided in the registration form.

Shuttle (bus) service will be provided between Hotel Hindustan International and NISER campus throughout the event. People staying/lodging in Bhubaneswar have to assemble at/near the HHI to board the bus in the morning and return after dinner.

Contact Details for transport:

Dr. Nagendra Sharma: nagendraniser.ac.in
Mr. Sanjaya K Patra: sanjayakumarniser.ac.in
Mr. Subrat R Hota: subratniser.ac.in


NISER has arranged for paid-accommodation at these places. The hotels have agreed to provide the boarding/lodging with a reduced tariff just for this conclave. The required details have been provides in the following table.

Guest House / HotelLocationDesignated forDistanceRooms reservedContact
A-Type Guest HouseNISER CampusStudents0 km70susanta.sniser.ac.in
FlatletNISER CampusInvitees0 km30abhayaniser.ac.in
Hotel LandmarkNear NISERInvitees500 m20hotellandmarkjatni@gmail.com
9090000617 / 7978036526
Hotel Hindustan InternationalBhubaneswarInvitees30 km70agmsales@hhibhubaneswar.com
9337227703 / 9937290559


NISER will arrange buses for an excusion to popular places of visit.



Jatni, Khurda, Odisha 752050, INDIA


dae.conclave @ niser.ac.in

