It is our pleasure that the 50th webinar has been given by the Nobel prize winner Prof. Albert Fert. On the completion of the 100th webinar, the talk will be delivered by Prof. Stuart Parkin.

S pintronics devices have demonstrated high data storage capacity and miniaturization of computer logics. For the development of next generation devices low power and high speed are the key requisite. Due to COVID-19 pandemic people are suggested to stay in lockdown situation. During this period we aim to have a series of lectures (webinars) on "Spintronics". The lectures will be given by eminent scientists. Through this webinar series we are providing a platform to the researchers working in the area of spintronics to listen lectures about current topics of spintronics.

Note: The webinar series is being conducted for discussion on current topics on spintronics. There is no registration fee for listening to the webinars. However no participation certificate can be issued to any participant

Talks are being organized via zoom meeting application now onwards and the zoom meeting link will be sent via email to the registered participants.