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ଜାତୀୟ ବିଜ୍ଞାନ ଶିକ୍ଷା ଏବଂ ଗବେଷଣା ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ

जैविक विज्ञान विभाग
राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान शिक्षा एवं अनुसंधान संस्थान




# Title Authors Journal Vol/Page
1 Susceptibility to pseudoexfoliation linked to intronic variant rs4926246 in CACNA1A: Evidence from an Indian population study Hayat B, Panigrahi S, Behera SR, Mohanty PP, Alone DP Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech 2025 Mar; 1868(1):195076
2 Fluorescent p53 helix mimetics pairing anticancer and bioimaging properties Karmakar S, Mallik M, Sulava S, Modi U, Allu S, Sangwan S, Tothadi S, Prakasha Reddy J, Vasita R, Nangia AK, Alone DP, Prabhakaran P Biomater Sci. 2025 Feb 26
3 Characterisation of the role played by ELMO1, GPR141 and the intergenic polymorphism rs918980 in Fuchs' dystrophy in the Indian population Sharma S, Basak SK, Das S, Alone DP FEBS Open Bio. 2025 Feb 19
# Title Authors Journal Vol/Page
1 Dickkopf-1 and ROCK2 upregulation and associated protein aggregation in pseudoexfoliation syndrome and glaucoma Kapuganti RS, Hayat B, Padhy B, Mohanty PP, Alone DP Life Sci. 2023 May 20:121797
# Title Authors Journal Vol/Page
1 A model species for agricultural pest genomics: the genome of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa Decemlineata (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) Schoville SD ... Goswami C .. et all Scientific Reports 8, 1931
2 Acrylic acid grafted tamarind kernel polysaccharide-based hydrogel for bone tissue engineering in absence of any osteoinducing factors Kumar S, Majhi RK, Sanyasi S, Goswami C, Goswami L Connective Tissue Research 59, 111-121
3 Antibacterial efficacy of polysaccharide capped silver nanoparticles is not compromised by AcrAB-TolC efflux pump Mishra M, Kumar S, Majhi RK, Goswami L, Goswami C, Mohapatra H Front. Microbiol. Vol-9
4 Acetylation-mediated Siah2 stabilization enhances PHD3 degradation in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric epithelial cancer cells Kokate SB, Dixit P, Das L, Rath S, Roy AD, Poirah I. Chakraborty D, Rout N, Singh SP, Bhattacharyya A FASEB J 5378-5389
5 Carbon nanoparticles influence photomorphogenesis and flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana Kumar A, Singh A, Panigrahy M, Sahoo PK, Panigrahi KCS Plant Cell Rep. 37, 901?912
6 Cortisol regulates immune and metabolic processes in murine adipocytes and macrophages through HTR2c and HTR5a serotonin receptors Priyadarshini S, Pradhan B, Griebel P, Aich P Eur. J. Cell Biol. 97, 7
7 Diagnosis of crime reporter flies in forensic entomology: A review Ghosh S, Ansar W, Banerjee D Indian J. of Entomology 80, 158-176
8 Endogenous expression of thermo-sensitive ion channels TRPV1 and TRPV4 in immune tissues of avian species (duck, Anasplatyrhynchos) Majhi R K, Maity A, Senapati MR, Behera PC , Mandal AK , Giri SC , Goswami C PeerJ Preprints
9 Environmental pollutants, pathogens and immune system in earthworms Ghosh S Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 25, 6196-6208
10 Epidemiological trends and molecular dynamics of Dengue, Chikungunya virus infection, co-infection and other undifferentiated fever during 2015-2016 in Odisha, India Saswat T, Sahoo S, Muduli S, Debata NK, Chattopadhyay S, Chattopadhyay S Journal of Medical Virology 91, 163-170
11 Steric hindrance in the upper 50?kDa domain of the motor Myo2p leads to cytokinesis defects in fission yeast Palani S*, Srinivasan R*, Zambon P, Kamnev A, Pananghat G, Balasubramanian MK J. Cell Sci. 131
12 Fidelity of HIS4 start codon selection influences 3-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole (3AT) sensitivity in GTPase Activating Protein (GAP) function defective eIF5 Antony AC, Alone PV Journal of Genetics 97, 953?964
13 Hydroxyethyl methacrylate grafted carboxy methyl tamarind (CMT-g-HEMA) polysaccharide based matrix as a suitable scaffold for skin tissue engineering Choudhury P, Kumar S, Singh A, Kumar A, Kaur N, Sanyasi S, Chawla S, Goswami C, Goswami L Carbohydrate Polymers 189, 87-98
14 Molecular characterization, tissue distribution and differential nutritional regulation of putative Elovl5 elongase in silver barb (Puntiusgonionotus) Nayak M, Pradhan A, Giri SS, Samanta M, Konkimalla VB, Saha A Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol 217, 27?39
15 Probiotics L. acidophilus and B. clausii Modulate Gut Microbiota in Th1- and Th2-Biased Mice to Ameliorate Salmonella Typhimurium-Induced Diarrhea Pradhan B, Guha D, Naik AK, Banerjee A, Tambat S, Chawla S, Senapati S, Aich P Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins 11(3), 887-904
16 Retrospective study on clonal relationship of multidrug resistant Klebsiella spp. indicates closed circulation and initiation of clonal divergence Mohapatra DP, Singh SK, Sahoo M, Patole S, Mishra M, Debata NK, Mohapatra H Journal of Medical Microbiology 67(5), 611-619
17 Role of murine macrophage in temporal regulation of cortisol- and serotonin-induced adipogenesis in pre-adipocytes when grown together Priyadarshini S, Pradhan B, Aich P Biol Open 7, 8
18 Successful Treatment of Postparturient pelvic prolaspse in mouse (mus musculus) using Novel Hydropropulsion technique Chawla S, Mahara K, Chandramohan B Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 29, 79-82
19 Tetrahymenadynamin related protein 6 self assembles independent of membrane association Kar UP, Dey H,?Rahaman A* J. Biosci. 43, 139-48
20 The expression profile and prognostic significance of eukaryotic translation elongation factors in different cancers Hassan MK, Kumar D, Naik M,?Dixit M PLoS One 13, e0191377
21 VIPER regulates naive T cell activation and effector responses: Implication in TLR4 associated acute stage T cell responses Sahoo SS, Pratheek BM, Meena VS, Nayak TK, Kumar SP, Bandyopadhyay S, Maiti PK, Chattopadhyay S Scientific Reports 8, 7118
# Title Authors Journal Vol/Page
1 Identification and morphological characterisation of spiny rat louse (Polyplaxspinulosa) from a laboratory rat Jena S, Parthasarathy S, Chawla S Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5(6), 82-84
2 A Modified Polysaccharide-Based Hydrogel for Enhanced Osteogenic Maturation and Mineralization Independent of Differentiation Factors Sanyasi S, Kumar S, Ghosh A, Majhi RK, Kaur N, Choudhury P, Singh UP, Goswami C, Goswami L Macromol Biosci. 17(3), 1600268
3 An evolutionarily conserved phosphatidate phosphatase maintains lipid droplet number and endoplasmic reticulum morphology but not nuclear morphology Pillai AN, Shukla S,?Rahaman A Biol Open 6(11), 1629-1643
4 An Improved Comparative Docking Approach For Developing Specific Glycogen Phosphorylase Inhibitors Using PentacyclicTriterpenes Konkimalla VB Curr Top Med Chem 17(14), 1640?1645
5 Ancestry & molecular evolutionary analyses of heat shock protein 47 kDa (HSP47/SERPINH1) Kumar A, Bhandari A, Sarde SJ, Goswami C Scientific Reports 7(1), 10394
6 Antibiotic resistance determinants and clonal relationships among multidrug-resistant isolates of?Klebsiella pneumoniae Singh SK, Mishra M, Sahoo M, Patole S, Sahu S, Misra SR,?Mohapatra H Microb Pathog. 110, 31-36
7 Application of Computational Methods in Planaria Research: A Current Update Ghosh S Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 14(4), 20170007