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अन्तर्विभागीय विज्ञान केंद्र
राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान शिक्षा एवं अनुसंधान संस्थान




CIS is a state-of-the-art inter disciplinary research centre at National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) Bhubaneswar. CIS is established to provide a comprehensive access to electron spectroscopy, advance imaging and advance analytical techniques fulfilling the requirements of scientists from different disciplines and different institute under a single umbrella. CIS also is dedicated to train M.Sc. and Ph.D students with the best instrumental facilities.

Message from CIS-Chief Coordinator (Prof. Subhankar Bedanta, SPS)

Nanoscience and nanotechnology is getting smaller and smaller in dimension, therefore we need more powerful techniques to study them. Microscopy and spectroscopy are the techniques to effectively study these nano objects with high resolution both in length and time. Besides nanotechnology, other important area for application of imaging and spectroscopy is biology.

The Center for Interdisciplinary Sciences (CIS) is a concept which is catering the needs mentioned above and more. CIS has been developed as a new state-of-the-art interdisciplinary research center at National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) Bhubaneswar. This center aims to bring scientists together from different disciplines e.g. biology, chemistry, material science, and physics. This center will widen the strength of NISER infrastructure which will open up newer research activities.

I thank department of atomic energy (DAE), Government of India for their generous funding for the establishment of this center. We are grateful to the continuous support from NISER director Prof. Sudhakar Panda. We also sincerely thank the active involvement of previous NISER directors Prof. T K Chandrasekhar and Prof. V. Chandrasekhar. We also sincerely acknowledge the active involvement of several other colleagues such as Prof. A. Srinivasan, Prof. B. Mohanty, IWD team of NISER, purchase section of NISER etc.

I am looking forward to an excitement journey and hope that CIS, NISER will make its mark not only in Indian science but globally.

Inauguration By Director

CIS was inaugurated by Prof. Sudhakar Panda, Director, NISER on 28.01.2019
Invited Speaker was Prof. K.V.R. Charry, Director, IISER Berhampur.