ACM Winter School 2019 on Cybersecurity School of Computer Sciences |
Lecture series on Transcendence on Commutative Algebraic Groups School of Mathematical Sciences |
Conference on Recent Topics in Statistical Mechanics School of Physical Sciences |
International Conference on Main-group Molecules to Materials-II School of Chemical Sciences |
Bringing The Nanoworld Together (BTNT) 2019 School of Physical Sciences |
Vigyan Pratibha (Teachers' Training Workshop) Vigyan Pratibha |
NISER Outreach Program, 'Chandrayaan-2 : Historic Moon Landing", on 7th September, organised by Sch? Outreach |
Dynamics of QCD matter School of Physical Sciences |
Advanced Foundation School - III - |
One day workshop on PRECESSION ELECTRON DIFFRACTION School of Physical Sciences |
Workshop on Geometrical and Topological Methods for Cosmological Data Analysis School of Physical Sciences |
The Summer Outreach Program in Mathematics (SOPM 2019) School of Mathematical Sciences |
ACM Summer School School of Computer Sciences |
Hands-on Workshop on Methodology in Clinical Cancer Research School of Biological Sciences |
String theory and Cosmology School of Physical Sciences |
Topical Meeting on Advances in Photonics School of Physical Sciences |
4th Orientation Workshop: Laboratory Animal Sciences School of Biological Sciences |
Recent Trends in Algorithms School of Computer Sciences |
प.ऊ.वि. का 19वां अखिल भारतीय राजभाषा सम्मेलन राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति |
Advanced Instructional School on Harmonic Analysis - |