Senior Professor
Chairperson CMRP
High energy physics
Selected List:
Quantum Chromodynamic (QCD) phase diagram, Transport properties of QCD matter and various signatures of Quark Gluon Plasma.
Dark Matter Search
P206 - Quantum Mechanics - I (4 credit core course, 4th semester) - 2013 & 2014
P243 - Modern Physics-I and Optics (2 credit core course, 4th semester) - 2016
P244 - Advance Electronics Laboratory (2 credit core course, 4th semester) - 2016
P304 - Relativity (4 credit core course, 5th semester) - 2012, 2013 & 2014
P307 - Nuclei and Particle Physics (4 credit core course, 5th semester) 2015 & 2016
P341 - Nuclear Physics Laboratory (2 credit core course, 5th semester) 2017
P741 - Integrated MSc-PhD Laboratory (4 credit core course, 1st semester) 2017
P343 - Modern Physics Laboratory - II (2 credit course, 6th semester) - 2014
P344 - Solid State Lbaoratory (2 credit course, 6th semester) - 2014
P142 Physics Laboratory - I (2 credit course, 1st semester) - 2012
P743 and P744 - Integrated MSc-PhD experiments (8 credits, 2nd semester) - 2018
Predoctoral course on Experimental High Energy Physics at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata; Year: 2007-2012
At Various Schools:
Course on Reltivistics Kinematics, SERC School on Experimental High Energy Physics at Variable Energy Scylcotron Centre, Kolkata; Year: 2011
Results from RHIC experiments, GCOE summer school on Hadrons and Nuclei under Extreme Conditions (HANEC10), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; Year - 2010
Results from RHIC experiments, International School for High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (SCHOOLNP2011), Institute of Particle Physics, CCNU, Wuhan, China; Year - 2011
Guest Faculty for the course on Heavy Ion Collision: RHIC and LHC (Faculty: Prof. Rajeev Bhalerao, TIFR, Mumbai), XXIV SERC School on Theoretical High Energy Physics at Physics Department, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India
Guest Faculty for the Course on Quark Gluon Plasma at XXX SERC user School in Theoretical High Energy Physics, Physics Department, BITS - Pilani, during November 16 – December 5, 2015
RHIC Beam Energy Scan Experiment, School for RHIC Beam Energy Scan and the QCD critical point, Peking University, Beijing, China, Year - 2017
1. Member Board of Governors NISER (2017 - till date) : BOG takes decision on matters on policy relating to the administration, scientific and working of the institute
2. Member of Senate, IISER, Berhampur (2017 - till date): All academic decisions
3. Member India-CERN Task Force (2017 - till date): Constituted jointly by Department of Science and Technology and Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India to look after all aspects of India participation in CERN
4. Member Standing Consultative Committee of Young Scientists, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India (2017 onwards) : Contributing towards formulating the S&T Vision for the Country.
5. Member Board of studies in Physical Sciences, HBNI, Mumbai (2017 - till date): Matters (PhD thesis submission, PhD thesis examiner, pre-submission of thesis, extension, review of academic progress etc) related to PhD program in Physics for the constitutent institutes of HBNI.
6. Member of the SERB/DST planning committee on SERCSchool on Experimental High Energy Physics (2015-2020): Help organize 3 schools on experimental high energy physics in a 5 year duration.
7. Dean Of Faculty Affairs (2014 - till date) : Faculty hiring; Promotion of faculty and SO; Hiring of postdocs and Scientists, leave, certification, guidelines related to faculty and SO and coordinator of academic review of schools.
8. Chairperson of School of Physical Sciences (2013- Jan 2019) : All administrative matters related to faculty, students and staff of the school; academic program; budget etc.
9. Head Recruitment Cell for staff (2015-2016) : Hiring of permanent staff at NISER
10. Member Academic Council, Post Graduate Committee of the Institute, Undergraduate Committee of the Institute, Institute Affairs Committee and Purchase Committee of NISER
11. Member Subject Research Committee of P.G. Department of Physics, Utkal University (2013-till date)
12. Member Editorial Board (2014-2016) and Collaboration Board (2013- till date) of ALICE experiment at LHC, CERN, Geneva
14. Deputy Spokesperson (2011-2014), Physics Analysis Coordinator (2008-2011), Convenor Spectra Physics Working Group (2006-2008) and Member of Council (2012-till date) in STAR Experiment at RHIC, BNL, USA
15. Member Academic Council CET, Odisha (2017 - till date) : All academic matters related to CET.
16. Member Institutional Advisory Board NCERT, New Delhi (2017 - 2020) : To consider the programme proposals submitted by Institute/Department/Division Cell in the light of its role and functions. To recommend the programme proposals considered suitable by the IAB/DAB to Academic Committee/Management Committee