Associate Professor
Operator algebra , Ergodic Theory
19. P. Bikram, R. Mohanta and K. Mukherjee , Complete Metric Approximation Property For Mixed q-Deformed Araki-Woods Factors, arXiv:2407.10619 to appear in Rev. Math. Phys, 2024.
18. P. Bikram and D. Saha, Weighted Subsequential ergodic theorems on Orlicz spaces to appear in Operator and Matrix, 2024.
17. Deformation of the von Neumann Algebra associated with a Yang-Baxter operator, to appear in Kyushu J. Math, 2024.
16. P. Bikram, R. Kumar and K. Mukherjee, On factoriality of mixed q-deformed Araki-Woods von Neumann algebras, to appear in Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top , 2023.
15. P. Bikram, Rahul K and K. Mukherjee, On non-injectivity of mixed q-deformed Araki-Woods von Neumann algebras, to appear in Kyoto J. Math., 2023.
14. P. Bikram and K. Mukherjee, E. Ricard and S. Wang " On the factoriality of q-deformed Araki-Woods von Neumann algebras" , to appear in Comm. Math. Phys. 2023 , arXiv:2203.06366
13. Mixed q-deformed Araki-Woods von Neumann algebras with Rahul K and K. Mukherjee, to appear in J. Noncommut. Geom., 2023.
12. P. Bikram and D. Saha, "On the non-commuttative Neveu decomposition and stochastic ergodic theorems" J. Funct. Anal., 284 (2023), no 1, Paper No. 109706, 45 pp.
11. "On the commutants of generaors of q-deformed Araki-Woods von Neumann algebras" with K. Mukherjee, Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ, 58(2022), 1-21.
10. "Poisson boundary on full Fock space" with B. V. R. Bhat, S. De and N. Rakshit, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Volume 375, Number 8, 2022, Pages 5645-5668.
9. "Contractivity properties of OrnsteinUhlenbeck semigroup for mixed q-ArakiWoods von Neumann algebras with R. Mohanta, J. Math. Phys. 62, 113502 (2021)
8. "On the von Neumann algebras associated to Yang-Baxter operators" with Rahul K, R. Mohanta, ; K. Mukherjee and D.. Saha, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 151 (2021), no. 4, 1331-1354.
7. "On the classification and modular extend- ability of E0-semigroups on factors' with D. Markiewicz, Math. Nachr., 293 (2020), no. 7, 1228-1250.
6. A Note on Coarse Bimodules with J. Bannon, and K. Mukherjee, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 475, Issue 2, 2019, 1404-1415.
5. On the E0-semigroups of free Araki- Woods factors, with Kunal Mukherjee, Internat. J. Math., Vol. 28, No. 10 (2017).
4. Generator masas in q-deformed Araki-Woods von Neumann algebras and factoriality, with Kunal Mukherjee, J. Func. Anal. 273(2017) 1443-1478.
3. CAR flows on type III factors and their extendability, Infinite Dimentional Analysis and Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Vol. 17, No. 4(2014) 1450026.
2. On the Extendability of endomorphisms and E0-semigroups on factors, with Masaki Izumi, R. Srinivasan and V. S. Sunder, Kyushu J. Math. 68 (2014), 165–179.
1. Hilbert von Neumann modules, with Kunal Mukherjee, R. Srinivasan and V. S. Sunder, (special issue of) Communications in Stochastic Analysis (in honour of Professor K. R. Parthasarathy), vol. 6, no. 1, (March 2012).
7. P. Bikram and D. Saha, Invariant states and weakly wandering projections, submitted, 2024.
6. P. Bikram and K. Mukherjee and C. A. Tamahankar, On Purely Atomic von Neumann Algebras, submitted, 2024.
5. P. Bikram, Convergence of noncommutative spherical averages for actions of free groups, arXiv:2411.12461, 2024.
4. P. Bikram, Connes' Bicentralizer Problem for Mixed q-deformed Araki-Woods Algebras, arXiv:2410.09490 , 2024.
3. P. Bikram and D. Saha, Maximal Inequality Associated to Doubling Condition for State Preserving Actions, arXiv:2407.10619, 2024.
2. P. Bikram and D. Saha, On the non-commutative Neveu decomposition and stochastic ergodic theorems, arXiv:2308.13907, 2023. 1
1.P. Bikram and D. Saha, On noncommutative ergodic theorems for semigroup and free group actions, arXiv:2307.00542, 2023
My Primary research areas are Operator algebra ( Functional Analysis) and Ergodic Theory. My central research area is operator algebra and it evolves around operator algebra. I study one parameter family of endomorphisms on von Neumann algebras.
I also study structure theory of von Neumann algebras, Connes's classifications theory of type III factors and various others property of type III factors and verious dynamical system on von Neumann algebras.
Measure Theory, Topology, Complex analysis, Metric Space, Calculas, Functional Analysis, Ergodic Theory