M101 - Mathematics I
M101Course: M101
Credit: 3
Method of Mathematical Proofs: Induction, Construction, Contradiction, Contrapositive.
Set: Union and Intersection of sets, Distributive laws, De Morgan's Law, Finite and infinite sets.
Relation: Equivalence relation and equivalence classes.
Function: Injections, Surjections, Bijections, Composition of functions, Inverse function, Graph of a function.
Countable and uncountable sets, Natural numbers via Peano arithmetic, Integers, Rational numbers, Real Numbers and Complex Numbers. Matrices, Determinant, Solving system of linear equations, Gauss elimination method, Linear mappings on R2 and R3, Linear transformations and Matrices.
Symmetry of Plane Figures: Translations, Rotations, Reflections, Glide-reflections, Rigid motions.
Reference Book
M102 - Mathematics II
M102Course: M102
Credit: 3
Concept of ordered field, Bounds of a set, ordered completeness axiom and
characterization of R as a complete ordered field. Archimedean property
of real numbers. Modulus of real numbers, intervals, neighbourhood of a
Sequences of Real Numbers: Definition and examples, Bounded sequences, Convergence of sequences, Uniqueness of limit, Algebra of limits,
Monotone sequences and their convergence, Sandwich rule.
Series: Definition and convergence, Telescopic series, Series with non-negative terms.
Tests for convergence [without proof]: Cauchy condensation test, Comparison test, Ratio test, Root test, Absolute and conditional convergence, Alternating series and Leibnitz test.
Limit of a function at a point, Sequential
criterion for the limit of a function at a point. Algebra of limits, Sandwich theorem, Continuity at a point and on intervals, Algebra of continuous
functions. Discontinuous functions, Types of discontinuity.
Differentiability: Definition and examples, Geometric and physical interpretations, Algebra
of differentiation, Chain rule, Darboux Theorem, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean
Value Theorems of Lagrange and Cauchy. Application of derivatives: Increasing and decreasing functions, Maxima and minima of functions. Higher
order derivatives, Leibnitz rule, L’Hopital rule.
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Text Book
M141 - Computation Laboratory-I
M141Course: M141
Credit: 2
Introduction to computers, Linux and Shell Programming, Latex, Gnuplot.
Reference Book
M142 - Computation Laboratory-II
M142Course: M142
Credit: 2
Programming language: C/C++; Algorithm and data structure: Stack, Queue, Linked list, Searching, Sorting.
Reference Book
M201 - Real Analysis
M201Course: M201
Credit: 4
Countability of a set, Countability of rational numbers, Uncountability of
real numbers. Limit point of a set, Bolzano-Weirstrass theorem, Open sets,
Closed sets, Dense sets. Subsequence, Limit superior and limit inferior of
a sequence, Cauchy criterion for convergence of a sequence, Monotone subsequence. Tests of convergence of series, Abel’s and Dirichlet’s tests for series, Riemann rearrangement theorem. Continuous functions on closed and
bounded intervals, Intermediate value theorem, Monotone functions, Continuous monotone functions and their invertibility, Discontinuity of monotone functions. Uniform continuity, Equivalence of continuity and uniform
continuity on closed and bounded intervals, Lipschitz condition, Other sufficient condition for uniform continuity. Riemann Integration: Darboux’s
integral, Riemann sums and their properties, Algebra of Riemann integrable
functions, Class of Riemann integrable functions, Mean value theorem, Fundamental theorems of calculus, Change of variable formula (statement only),
Riemann-Stieltjes integration (definition). Taylor’s theorem and Taylor’s series, Elementary functions. Improper integral, Beta and Gamma functions.
Reference Book
Text Book
M202 - Group Theory
M202Course: M202
Credit: 4
Groups, subgroups, normal subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms,
isomorphism theorems, automorphisms, permutation groups, group actions,
Sylow’s theorem, direct products, finite abelian groups, semi-direct products, free groups.
Reference Book
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M203 - Discrete Mathematics
M203Course: M203
Credit: 4
Pigeonhole principle, Counting principles, Binomial coefficients, Principles
of inclusion and exclusion, recurrence relations, generating functions, Catalan numbers, Stirling numbers, Partition numbers, Schr ̈oder numbers, Block
designs, Latin squares, Partially ordered sets, Lattices, Boolean algebra.
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M204 - Metric Spaces
M204Course: M204
Credit: 4
Metric spaces, open balls and open sets, limit and cluster points, closed sets,
dense sets, complete metric spaces, completion of a metric space, Continuity,
uniform continuity, Banach contraction principle, Compactness, Connectedness, pathconnected sets. Sequences of functions, Pointwise convergence
and uniform convergence, Arzela-Ascoli Theorem, Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, power series, radius of convergence, uniform convergence
and Riemann integration, uniform convergence and differentiation, Stone
Weierstrass theorem for compact metric spaces.
Reference Book
Text Book
M205 - Linear Algebra
M205Course: M205
Credit: 4
System of Linear Equations, Matrices and elementary row operations, Rowreduced echelon form of matrices, Vector spaces, subspaces, quotient spaces,
bases and dimension, direct sums, Linear transformations and their matrix
representations, Dual vector spaces, transpose of a linear transformation,
Polynomial rings (over a field), Determinants and their properties, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Characteristic polynomial and minimal polynomial,
Triangulation and Diagonalization, Simultaneous Triangulation and diagonalization, Direct-sum decompositions, Primary decomposition theorem.
Reference Book
Text Book
M206 - Probability Theory
M206Course: M206
Credit: 4
Combinatorial probability and urn models; Conditional probability and independence; Random variables – discrete and continuous; Expectations,
variance and moments of random variables; Transformations of univariate
random variables; Jointly distributed random variables; Conditional expectation; Generating functions; Limit theorems; Simple symmetric random
Reference Book
Text Book
M207 - Number Theory
M207Course: M207
Credit: 4
Divisibility, Primes, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Congruences, Chinese remainder theorem, Linear congruences, Congruences with prime-power
modulus, Fermat’s little theorem, Wilson’s theorem, Euler function and its
applications, Group of units, primitive roots, Quadratic residues, Jacobi
symbol, Binary quadratic form, Arithmetic functions, M ̈obius Inversion formula, Dirichlet product, Sum of squares, Continued fractions and rational
Reference Book
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M208 - Graph Theory
M208Course: M208
Credit: 4
Graphs, subgraphs, graph isomorphisms, degree sequence, paths, cycles,
trees, bipartite graphs, Hamilton cycles, Euler tours, directed graphs, matching, Tutte’s theorem, connectivity, Menger’s theorem, planar graphs, Kuratowski’s theorem, vertex and edge colouring of graphs, network flows, maxflow min-cut theorem, Ramsey theory for graphs, matrices associated with
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M301 - Lebesgue Integration
M301Course: M301
Credit: 4
Outer measure, measurable sets, Lebesgue measure, measurable functions,
Lebesgue integral, Basic properties of Lebesgue integral, convergence in
measure, differentiation and Lebesgue measure. L p Spaces, Holder and
Minkowski inequalities, Riesz-Fisher theorem, Radon-Nykodin theorem, Riesz
representation theorem. Fourier series, L 2 -convergence properties of Fourier
series, Fourier transform and its properties.
Reference Book
Text Book
M302 - Rings and Modules
M302Course: M302
Credit: 4
Rings, ideals, quotient rings, ring homomorphisms, isomorphism theorems,
prime ideals, maximal ideals, Chinese remainder theorem, Field of fractions, Euclidean Domains, Principal Ideal Domains, Unique Factorization
Domains, Polynomial rings, Gauss lemma, irreducibility criteria.Modules, submodules, quotients modules, module homomorphisms, isomorphism theorems, generators, direct product and direct sum of modules,
free modules, finitely generated modules over a PID, Structure theorem
for finitely generated abelian groups, Rational form and Jordan form of a
matrix, Tensor product of modules.
Reference Book
Text Book
M303 - Differential Equations
M303Course: M303
Credit: 4
Classifications of Differential Equations: origin and applications, family
of curves, isoclines. First order equations: separation of variable, exactequation, integrating factor, Bernoulli equation, separable equation, homogeneous equations, orthogonal trajectories, Picard’s existence and uniqueness theorems. Second order equations: variation of parameter, annihilator
methods. Series solution: power series solutions about regular and singular points. Method of Frobenius, Bessel’s equation and Legendre equations. Wronskian determinant, Phase portrait analysis for 2nd order system, comparison and maximum principles for 2nd order equations. Linear
system: general properties, fundamental matrix solution, constant coefficient system, asymptotic behavior, exact and adjoint equation, oscillatory
equations, Green’s function. Sturm-Liouville theory. Partial Differential
Equations: Classifications of PDE, method of separation of variables, characterstic method.
Reference Book
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M304 - Topology
M304Course: M304
Credit: 4
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Text Book
M305 - Statistics
M305Course: M305
Credit: 4
Descriptive Statistics, Graphical representation of data, Curve fittings, Simple correlation and regression, Multiple and partial correlations and regressions, Sampling, Sampling distributions, Standard error. Normal distribution and its properties, The distribution of X and S 2 in sampling from a
normal distribution, Exact sampling distributions: χ 2 , t, F . Theory and
Methods of Estimation: Point estimation, Criteria for a good estimator,
Properties of estimators: Unbiasedness, Efficiency, Consistency, Sufficiency,
Robustness. A lower bound for a variance of an estimate, Method of estimation: The method of moment, Least square method, Maximum likelihood
estimation and its properties, UMVU Estimator, Interval estimation. Test of
Hypothesis: Elements of hypothesis testing, Unbiased test, Neyman-Pearson
Theory, MP and UMP tests, Likelihood ratio and related tests, Large sample
tests, Test based on χ 2 , t, F .
Reference Book
Text Book
M306 - Calculus of Several Variables
M306Course: M306
Credit: 4
Differentiability of functions from an open subset of R n to R m and properties, chain rule, partial and directional derivatives, Continuously differentiable functions, Inverse function theorem, Implicit function theorem, Interchange of order of differentiation, Taylor’s series, Extrema of a function,
Extremum problems with constraints, Lagrange multiplier method with applications, Integration of functions of several variables, Change of variable
ormula (without proof) with examples of applications of the formula, spherical coordinates, Stokes theorem (without proof), Deriving Green’s theorem,
Gauss theorem and Classical Stokes theorem.
Reference Book
Text Book
M307 - Field Theory
M307Course: M307
Credit: 4
Field extensions, algebraic extensions, Ruler and compass constructions,
splitting fields, algebraic closures, separable and inseparable extensions, cyclotomic polynomials and extensions, automorphism groups and fixed fields,
Galois extensions, Fundamental theorem of Galois theory, Fundamental theorem of algebra, Finite fields, Galois group of polynomials, Computations of
Galois groups over rationals, Solvable groups, nilpotent groups, Solvability
by radicals, Transcendental extensions.
Reference Book
Text Book
M308 - Complex Analysis
M308Course: M308
Credit: 4
Algebraic and geometric representation of complex numbers; elementary
functions including the exponential functions and its relatives (log, cos,sin, cosh, sinh, etc.); concept of holomorphic (analytic) functions, complex derivative and the Cauchy-Riemann equations; harmonic functions.
Conformal Mapping, Linear Fractional Transformations, Complex line integrals and Cauchy Integral formula, Representation of holomorpic functions in terms of power series, Morera’s theorem, Cauchy estimates and
Liouville’s theorem, zeros of holomorphic functions, Uniform limits of holomorphic functions. Behaviour of holomorphic function near an isolated singularity, Laurent expansions, Counting zeros and poles, Argument principle, Rouche’s theorem, Calculus of residues and evaluation of integrals using
contour integration. The Open Mapping theorem, Maximum Modulus Principle, Schwarz Lemma.
Reference Book
Text Book
M310 - Geometry of curves and surfaces
M310Course: M310
Credit: 4
Curves in two and three dimensions, Curvature and torsion for space curves,
Existence theorem for space curves, Serret-Frenet formula for space curves,
Jacobian theorem, Surfaces in R 3 as 2-dimensional manifolds, Tangent spaces
and derivatives of maps between manifolds, Geodesics, First fundamental
form, Orientation of a surface, Second fundamental form and the Gauss
map, Mean curvature, Gaussian Curvature, Differential forms, Integration on surfaces, Stokes formula, Gauss-Bonnet theorem.
Reference Book
Text Book
M311 - Numerical Analysis
M311Course: M311
Credit: 4
Errors in computation: Representation and arithmetic of numbers, source of
errors, error propagation, error estimation. Numerical solution of non-linear
equations: Bisection method, Secant method, Newton-Raphson method,
Fixed point methods, Muller’s method. Interpolations: Lagrange interpolation, Newton divided differences, Hermite interpolation, Piecewise polynomial interpolation. Approximation of functions: Weierstrass and Taylor
expansion, Least square approximation. Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal
rule, Simpson’s rule, Newton-Cotes rule, Guassian quadrature. Numerical
solution of ODE: Euler’s method, multi-step methods, Runge-Kutta methods, Predictor-Corrector methods. Solutions of systems of linear equations:
Gauss elimination, pivoting, matrix factorization, Iterative methods – Jacobi
and Gauss-Siedel methods. Matrix eigenvalue problems: power method.
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Text Book
M401 - Functional Analysis
M401Course: M401
Credit: 4
Normed linear spaces and continuous linear transformations, Hahn-Banach
theorem (analytic and geometric versions), Baire’s theorem and its consequences – three basic principles of functional analysis (open mapping theorem, closed graph theorem and uniform boundedness principle), Computing
the dual of wellknown Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces, Riesz representation
theorem, Adjoint operator, Compact operators, Spectral theorem for self
adjoint compact operators.
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Text Book
M402 - Representations of Finite Groups
M402Course: M402
Credit: 4
Group representations, Maschke’s theorem and completely reducibility, Characters, Inner product of Characters, Orthogonality relations, Burnside’s theorem, induced characters, Frobenius reciprocity, induced representations,
Mackey’s Irreducibility Criterion, Character table of some well-known groups,
Representation theory of the symmetric group: partitions and tableaux, constructing the irreducible representations.
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Text Book
M403 - Commutative Algebra
M403Course: M403
Credit: 4
Commutative rings, ideals, operations on ideals, prime and maximal ideals,
nilradicals, Jacobson radicals, extension and contraction of ideals, Modules, free modules, projective modules, exact sequences, tensor product of
modules, Restriction and extension of scalars, localization and local rings,
extended and contracted ideals in rings of fractions, Noetherian modules,
Artinian modules, Primary decompositions and associate primes, Integral
extensions, Valuation rings, Discrete valuation rings, Dedekind domains,
Fractional ideals, Completion, Dimension theory.
Reference Book
Text Book
M404 - Algebraic Topology
M404Course: M404
Credit: 4
Homotopy Theory: Simply Connected Spaces, Covering Spaces, Universal Covering Spaces, Deck Transformations, Path lifting lemma, Homotopy
lifting lemma, Group Actions, Properly discontinuous action, free groups,
free product with amalgamation, Seifert-Van Kampen Theorem, Borsuk
Ulam Theorem for sphere, Jordan Separation Theorem. Homology Theory:Simplexes, Simplicial Complexes, Triangulation of spaces, Simplicial Chain
Complexes, Simplicial Homology, Singular Chain Complexes, Cycles and
Boundary, Singular Homology, Relative Homology, Short Exact Sequences,
Long Exact Sequences, Mayer-Vietoris sequence, Excision Theorem, Invariance of Domain.
Reference Book
Text Book
M402 - Representations of Finite Groups
M402Course: M402
Credit: 4
Group representations, Maschke’s theorem and completely reducibility, Characters, Inner product of Characters, Orthogonality relations, Burnside’s theorem, induced characters, Frobenius reciprocity, induced representations,
Mackey’s Irreducibility Criterion, Character table of some well-known groups,
Representation theory of the symmetric group: partitions and tableaux, constructing the irreducible representations.
Reference Book
Text Book
M403 - Commutative Algebra
M403Course: M403
Credit: 4
Commutative rings, ideals, operations on ideals, prime and maximal ideals,
nilradicals, Jacobson radicals, extension and contraction of ideals, Modules, free modules, projective modules, exact sequences, tensor product of
modules, Restriction and extension of scalars, localization and local rings,
extended and contracted ideals in rings of fractions, Noetherian modules,
Artinian modules, Primary decompositions and associate primes, Integral
extensions, Valuation rings, Discrete valuation rings, Dedekind domains,
Fractional ideals, Completion, Dimension theory.
Reference Book
Text Book
M404 - Algebraic Topology
M404Course: M404
Credit: 4
Homotopy Theory: Simply Connected Spaces, Covering Spaces, Universal Covering Spaces, Deck Transformations, Path lifting lemma, Homotopy
lifting lemma, Group Actions, Properly discontinuous action, free groups,
free product with amalgamation, Seifert-Van Kampen Theorem, Borsuk
Ulam Theorem for sphere, Jordan Separation Theorem. Homology Theory:Simplexes, Simplicial Complexes, Triangulation of spaces, Simplicial Chain
Complexes, Simplicial Homology, Singular Chain Complexes, Cycles and
Boundary, Singular Homology, Relative Homology, Short Exact Sequences,
Long Exact Sequences, Mayer-Vietoris sequence, Excision Theorem, Invariance of Domain.
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Text Book
M482 - Multivariate Statistical Analysis
M482Course: M482
Credit: 4
Review of matrix algebra (optional), data matrix, summary statistics, graphical representations (3 hrs)
Distribution of random vectors, moments and characteristic functions, transformations,
some multivariate distributions: multivariate normal, multinomial, dirichlet distribution, limit theorems (5 hrs)
Multivariate normal distribution: properties, geometry, characteristics function, moments, distributions of linear combinations, conditional distribution and multiple correlation (5 hrs)
Estimation of mean and variance of multivariate normal, theoretical properties, James-Stein estimator (optional), distribution of sample mean and variance, the Wishart distribution, large sample behavior of sample mean and variance, assessing normality (8
Inference about mean vector: testing for normal mean, Hotelling T2
and likelihood ratio test, confidence regions and simultaneous comparisons of component means, paired
comparisons and a repeated measures design, comparing mean vectors from two populations, MANOVA (10 hrs)
Techniques of dimension reduction, principle component analysis: definition of principle components and their estimation, introductory factor analysis, multidimensional
scaling (10 hrs)
Classification problem: linear and quadratic discriminant analysis, logistic regression,
support vector machine (8 hrs)
Cluster analysis: non-hierarchical and hierarchical methods of clustering (5 hrs)
Reference Book
M483 - Introduction to Manifolds
M483Course: M483
Credit: 4
Differentiable manifolds and maps: Definition and examples, Inverse and implicit function theorem, Submanifolds, immersions and submersions.The tangent and cotangent bundle: Vector bundles, (co)tangent bundle as a vector bundle, Vector fields, flows, Lie derivative.Differential forms and Integration: Exterior differential, closed and exact forms, Poincare' lemma, Integration on manifolds, Stokes theorem, De Rham cohomology.
Reference Book
M652 - Complex Analysis
M652Course: M652
Credit: 4
Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchy's theorem and estimates, Zeros, Poles and Singularities, The open mapping theorem, The argument principle, Maximum modulus principle, Schwarz lemma, Residues and the residue calculus.Normal families, Arzela's theorem, Product developments, functions with prescribed zeroes and poles, Hadamard's theorem, Conformal mappings, Riemann mapping theorem, the linear fractional transformations.
Reference Book
M653 - Differential Equations
M653Course: M653
Credit: 4
Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial and boundary value problems, Basic existence, Uniqueness theorems for a system of ODE, Gronwall’s lemma, Continuous dependence on initial data, Linear systems with variable coefficients, Variation of parameter formula, Floquet theory, Systems of linear equations with constant coefficients, Stability of equilibrium positions.Partial Differential Equations: Single and systems of PDE, First order PDE, Semi-linear and nonlinear equations (Monge’s method), Four important linear PDE, Transport equations, Laplace equations, Fundamental solution, Mean value formulas, Green’s functions, Energy methods, Heat equation, fundamental solution, Mean value formula, Energy methods, Wave equations, Solutions by spherical mean, Energy method, Maximum principle for elliptic and parabolic equations with applications.
Reference Book
M654 - Discrete Mathematics
M654Course: M654
Credit: 4
Combinatorics:Counting principles, Generating functions, Recurrence relation, Polya’s enumeration theory, partially ordered sets.Graph Theory:Graphs, Trees, Blocks, Connectivity, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, Planer graphs, Graph colouring.Design Theory: Block Designs, Balanced incomplete block design, Difference sets and Automorphism, Latin squares, Hadamard matrices, Projective planes, Generalized quadrangles.Algorithm:Algorithm, Asymptotic analysis, Complexity hierarchy, NP-complete problems.
Reference Book
M655 - Graph Theory
M655Course: M655
Credit: 4
Basic definitions, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, Planarity, Colourability, Four colour problem, Matching and Hall’s marriage theorem, Max-flow Min-cut theorem, Ramsey theory, Line graphs, Enumeration, Digraphs. Matroids, Groups and Graphs, Matrices and graphs, Eigenvalues of graphs, The Laplacian of a graph, Strongly regular graphs.
Reference Book
M656 - Introduction to Number Theory
M656Course: M656
Credit: 4
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Distribution of prime numbers, Congruences, Chinese remainder theorem, Congruences with prime-power modulus, Fermat's little theorem, Wilson's theorem, Euler function and its applications, Group of units, Primitive roots, Quadratic residues and Quadratic reciprocity law, Arithmetic functions, Mobius Inversion formula, Dirichlet product, Sum of squares, Introduction to Zeta function and Dirichlet Series.
Reference Book
M657 - Probability Theory-I
M657Course: M657
Credit: 4
Review of Basic undergraduate probability: Random variables, Standard discrete and continuous distributions, Expectation, Variance, Conditional Probability.Discrete time Markov chains: countable state space, classification of statesCharacteristic functions, modes of convergences, Borel-Cantelli Lemma, Central Limit Theorem, Law of Large numbersConvergence Theorems in Markov Chains
Reference Book
M658 - Probability Theory-II
M658Course: M658
Credit: 4
Martingale Theory: Radon-Nikoydm Theorem, Doob-Meyer decomposition.Weak convergence of probability measures,Brownian motion, Markov processes and Stationary processes.
Reference Book
M451 - Advanced Complex Analysis
M451Course: M451
Credit: 4
Review of basic Complex Analysis: Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchy’s
theorem and estimates, power series expansions, maximum modulus principle, Classification of singularities and calculus of residues. Space of continuous functions, Arzela’s theorem, Spaces of analytic functions, Spaces of
meromorphic functions, Riemann mapping theorem, Weierstrass Factorization theorem, Runge’s theorem, Simple connectedness, Mittag-Leffler’s theorem, Analytic continuation, Schwarz reflection principle, Mondromy theorem, Jensen’s formula, Genus and order of an entire function, Hadamard
factorization theorem, Little Picard theorem, Great Picard theorem, Harmonic functions.
Reference Book
M452 - Advanced Functional Analysis
M452Course: M452
Credit: 4
Definition and examples of topological vector spaces (TVS) and locally convex spaces (LCS); Linear operators; Hahn-Banach Theorems for TVS/ LCS
(analytic and geometric forms); Uniform boundedness principle; Open mapping theorem; Closed graph thoerem; Weak and weak* vector topologies;
Bipolar theorem; dual of LCS spaces; Krein-Milman theorem for TVS;
Krien-Smulyan theorem for Banach spaces; Inductive and projective limit
of LCS.
Reference Book
M453 - Advance Linear Algebra
M453Course: M453
Credit: 4
Rational and Jordan canonical forms, Inner product spaces, Unitary and
Normal operators, Forms on inner product spaces, Spectral theorems, Bilinear forms, Matrix decomposition theorems, Courant- Fischer minimax and
related theorems, Nonnegative matrices, Perron-Frobenius theory, Generalized inverse, Matrix Norm, Perturbation of eigenvalues.
Reference Book
M454 - Partial Differential Equations
M454Course: M454
Credit: 4
Classification of Partial Differential Equations, Cauchy Problem, Cauchy
Kowalevski Theorem, Lagrange-Green identity, The uniquness theorem of
Holmgren, Transport equation: Initial value problem, nonhomogeneous problemLaplace equation: Fundamental solution, Mean Value formula, properties of Harmonic functions, Green’s function, Energy methods, Harnack’s
inequality. Heat Equation: Fundamental solution, Mean value formula,
properties of solutions. Wave equation: Solution by spherical means, Nonhomogeneous problem, properties of solutions.
Reference Book
M456 - Algebraic Geometry
M456Course: M456
Credit: 4
Prime ideals and primary decompositions, Ideals in polynomial rings, Hilbert
Basis theorem, Noether normalisation lemma, Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz, Affine
and Projective varieties, Zariski Topology, Rational functions and morphisms, Elementary dimension theory, Smoothness, Curves, Divisors on
curves, Bezout’s theorem, Riemann-Roch for curves, Line bundles on Projective spaces.
Reference Book
M457 - Algebraic Graph Theory
M457Course: M457
Credit: 4
Adjacency matrix of a graph and its eigenvalues, Spectral radius of graphs,
Regular graphs and Line graphs, Strongly regular graphs, Cycles and Cuts,
Laplacian matrix of a graph, Algebraic connectivity, Laplacian spectral radius of graphs, Distance matrix of a graph, General properties of graph
automorphisms, Transitive and Arc-tranisitve graphs, Symmetric graphs.
Reference Book
M458 - Algebraic Number Theory
M458Course: M458
Credit: 4
Number Fields and Number rings, prime decomposition in number rings,
Dedekind domains, Ideal class group, Galois theory applied to prime decomposition, Gauss reciprocity law, Cyclotomic fields and their ring of integers,
finiteness of ideal class group, Dirichlet unit theorem, valuations and completions of number fields, Dedekind zeta function and distribution of ideal
in a number ring.
Reference Book
M460 - Algorithm
M460Course: M460
Credit: 4
Algorithm analysis: asymptotic notation, probabilistic analysis; Data Structure: stack, queues, linked list, hash table, binary search tree, red-black
tree; Sorting: heap sort, quick sort, sorting in linear time; Algorithm design: divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming; Algebraic algorithms: Winograd’s and Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm, evaluation of polynomials, DFT, FFT, efficient FFT implementation;
Graph algorithms: breadth-first and depth-first search, minimum spanning
trees, single-source shortest paths, all-pair shortest paths, maximum flow;
NP-completeness and approximation algorithms.
Reference Book
M463 - Finite Fields
M463Course: M463
Credit: 4
Structure of finite fields: characterization, roots of irreducible polynomials,traces, norms and bases, roots of unity, cyclotomic polynomial, representation of elements of finite fields, Wedderburn’s theorem; Polynomials over
finite field: order of polynomials, primitive polynomials, construction of irreducible polynomials, binomials and trinomials, factorization of polynomials
over small and large finite fields, calculation of roots of polynomials; Linear
recurring sequences: LFSR, characteristic polynomial, minimal polynomial,
characterization of linear recurring sequences, Berlekamp-Massey algorithm;
Applications of finite fields: Applications in cryptography, coding theory, finite geometry, combinatorics.
Reference Book
M464 - Information and Coding Theory
M464Course: M464
Credit: 4
Information Theory: Entropy, Huffman coding, Shannon-Fano coding, entropy of Markov process, channel and mutual information, channel capacity;
Error correcting codes: Maximum likelihood decoding, nearest neighbour
decoding, linear codes, generator matrix and parity-check matrix, Hamming bound, Gilbert-Varshamov bound, binary Hamming codes, Plotkin
bound, nonlinear codes, Reed-Muller codes, Cyclic codes, BCH codes, Reed-Solomon codes, Algebraic codes.
Reference Book
M465 - Mathematical Logic
M465Course: M465
Credit: 4
Propositional Logic, Tautologies and Theorems of propositional Logic, Tautology Theorem. First Order Logic: First order languages and their structures, Proofs in a first order theory, Model of a first order theory, validity
theorems, Metatheorems of a first order theory, e. g., theorems on constants,equivalence theorem, deduction and variant theorems etc. Completeness
theorem, Compactness theorem, Extensions by definition of first order theories, Interpretations theorem, Recursive functions, Arithmatization of first
order theories, Godels first Incompleteness theorem, Rudiments of model
theory including Lowenheim-Skolem theorem and categoricity.
Reference Book
M466 - Measure Theory
M466Course: M466
Credit: 4
Reference Book
M467 - Nonlinear Analysis
M467Course: M467
Credit: 4
Calculus in Banach spaces, inverse and multiplicit function theorems, fixed
point theorems of Brouwer, Schauder and Tychonoff, fixed point theorems
for nonexpansive and set-valued maps, predegree results, compact vector
fields, homotopy, homotopy extension, invariance theorems and applications.
Reference Book
M468 - Operator Theory
M468Course: M468
Credit: 4
Reference Book
M470 - Abstract Harmonic Analysis
M470Course: M470
Credit: 4
Reference Book
M471 - Advanced Number Theory
M471Course: M471
Credit: 4
Review of Finite fields, Gauss Sums and Jacobi Sums, Cubic and biquadratic
reciprocity, Polynomial equations over finite fields, Theorems of Chevally
and Warning, Quadratic forms over prime fields. Ring of p-adic integers,
Field of p-adic numbers, completion, p-adic equations, Hensel’s lemma,
Hilbert symbol, Quadratic forms with p-adic coefficients. Dirichlet series:
Abscissa of convergence and absolute convergence, Riemann Zeta function
and Dirichlet L-functions. Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progression. Functional equation and Euler product for L-functions. Modular
Forms and the Modular Group, Eisenstein series, Zeros and poles of modular functions, Dimensions of the spaces of modular forms, The j-invariant
L-function associated to modular forms, Ramanujan τ function.
Reference Book
M474 - Foundations of Cryptography
M474Course: M474
Credit: 4
Introduction to cryptography and computational model, computational difficulty, pseudorandom generators, zero-knowledge proofs, encryption schemes,
digital signature and message authentication schemes, cryptographic protocol.
Reference Book
M475 - Incidence Geometry
M475Course: M475
Credit: 4
Definitions and Exampleas, projective planes, affine planes, projective spaces,
affine spaces, collineations of projective and affine spaces, fundamental theorem of projective and affine spaces, polar spaces, generalized quadrangles,
quadrics and quadratic sets.
Reference Book
M476 - Lie Algebras
M476Course: M476
Credit: 4
Definitions and Examples, Derivations, Ideals, Homomorphisms, Nilpotent
Lie Algebras and Engel’s theorem, Solvable Lie Algebras and Lie’s theorem, Jordan decomposition and Cartan’s criterion, Semisimple Lie algebras,
Casimir operator and Weyl’s theorem, Representations of sl(2, F ), Root
space decomposition, Abstract root systems, Weyl group and Weyl chambers, Classification of irreducible root systems, Abstract theory of weights,
Isomorphism and conjugacy theorems, Universal enveloping algebras and
PBW theorem, Representation theory of semi-simple Lie algebras, Verma
modules and Weyl character formula.
Reference Book
M477 - Optimization Theory
M477Course: M477
Credit: 4
Linear programming problem and its formulation, convex sets and their
properties, Graphical method, Simplex method, Duality in linear programming, Revised simplex method, Integer programming, Transportation problems, Assignment problems, Games and strategies, Two-person (non) zero
sum games, Introduction to non-linear programming and techniques.
Reference Book
M478 - Advanced Partial Differential Equations
M478Course: M478
Credit: 4
Distribution Theory, Sobolev Spaces, Embedding theorems, Trace theorem.
Dirichlet, Neumann and Oblique derivative problem, Weak formulation,
Lax–Milgram, Maximum Principles– Weak and Strong Maximum Principles, Hopf Maximum Principle, Alexandroff-Bakelmann-Pucci Estimate.
Reference Book
M479 - Random Graphs
M479Course: M479
Credit: 4
Models of random graphs and of random graph processes; illustrative examples; random regular graphs, configuration model; appearance of the
giant component small subgraphs; long paths and Hamiltonicity; coloring
problems; eigenvalues of random graphs and their algorithmic applications;
pseudo-random graphs.
Reference Book
M480 - Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Methods
M480Course: M480
Credit: 4
Inequalities of Markov and Chebyshev (median algorithm), first and second moment method (balanced allocation), inequalities of Chernoff (permutation routing) and Azuma (chromatic number), rapidly mixing Markov
chains (random walk in hypercubes, card shuffling), probabilistic generating
functions (random walk in d-dimensional lattice)
Reference Book
M482 - Multivariate Statistical Analysis
M482Course: M482
Credit: 4
Review of matrix algebra (optional), data matrix, summary statistics, graphical representations (3 hrs)
Distribution of random vectors, moments and characteristic functions, transformations,
some multivariate distributions: multivariate normal, multinomial, dirichlet distribution, limit theorems (5 hrs)
Multivariate normal distribution: properties, geometry, characteristics function, moments, distributions of linear combinations, conditional distribution and multiple correlation (5 hrs)
Estimation of mean and variance of multivariate normal, theoretical properties, James-Stein estimator (optional), distribution of sample mean and variance, the Wishart distribution, large sample behavior of sample mean and variance, assessing normality (8
Inference about mean vector: testing for normal mean, Hotelling T2
and likelihood ratio test, confidence regions and simultaneous comparisons of component means, paired
comparisons and a repeated measures design, comparing mean vectors from two populations, MANOVA (10 hrs)
Techniques of dimension reduction, principle component analysis: definition of principle components and their estimation, introductory factor analysis, multidimensional
scaling (10 hrs)
Classification problem: linear and quadratic discriminant analysis, logistic regression,
support vector machine (8 hrs)
Cluster analysis: non-hierarchical and hierarchical methods of clustering (5 hrs)
Reference Book
M483 - Introduction to Manifolds
M483Course: M483
Credit: 4
Differentiable manifolds and maps: Definition and examples, Inverse and implicit function theorem, Submanifolds, immersions and submersions.The tangent and cotangent bundle: Vector bundles, (co)tangent bundle as a vector bundle, Vector fields, flows, Lie derivative.Differential forms and Integration: Exterior differential, closed and exact forms, Poincare' lemma, Integration on manifolds, Stokes theorem, De Rham cohomology.
Reference Book
M484 - Regression Analysis
M484Course: M484
Credit: 4
Introduction to simple linear regression, least square estimation and hypothesis testing of model parameters, prediction, interval estimation in simple linear regression, Coefficient of determination, estimation by maximum likelihood, multiple linear regression, matrix representation of the regression model, estimation and testing of model parameters and prediction, model adequacy checking-residual analysis, PRESS statistics, outlier detection, lack of fit test, serial correlation and Durbin-Watson test, transformation and weighting to correct model inadequacies-variance-stabilizing transformation, generalized and weighted least squares, diagnostics for influential observations, Cook’s D test, multicollinearity-sources and effects, diagnosis and treatment for multicollinearity, ridge regression and LASSO, bootstrap estimation, dummy variable model, variable selection and model building–stepwise methods, polynomial regression and interaction regression models, nonlinear regression, generalized linear models-logistic regression and Poisson regression.
Reference Book
M485 - Time Series Analysis
M485Course: M485
Credit: 4
Examples and objectives of time series, stationary time series and autocorrelation function, estimation and elimination of trend and seasonal components, testing for noise sequence, moving average process, autoregressive processes and ARMA processes, estimation of autocorrelation function, methods of forecasting-Durbin-Levinson algorithm and Innovations algorithm, the Wold decomposition, ARMA models-the auto-covariance and partial auto-covariance function, forecasting ARMA processes, spectral analysis-spectral densities, periodogram, modeling with ARMA processes, Yule-Walker estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, diagnostic checking, non-stationary time series-ARIMA models, identification techniques, forecasting ARIMA models, seasonal ARIMA models, multivariate time series, ARCH and GARCH models.
Reference Book
M552 - Analytic Number Theory
M552Course: M552
Credit: 4
Arithmetic functions, Averages of arithmetical functions, Distribution of
primes, finite abelian groups and characters, Gauss sums, Dirichlet series
and Euler products, Reimann Zeta function, Dirichlet L-functions, Analytic
proof of the prime number theorem, Dirichlet Theorem on primes in arithmetic progression.
Reference Book
M553 - Classical Groups
M553Course: M553
Credit: 4
General and special linear groups, bilinear forms, Symplectic groups, symmetric forms, quadratic forms, Orthogonal geometry, orthogonal groups,
Clifford algebras, Hermitian forms, Unitary spaces, Unitary groups.
Reference Book
M554 - Ergodic Theory
M554Course: M554
Credit: 4
Measure preserving systems; examples: Hamiltonian dynamics and Liouvilles theorem, Bernoulli shifts, Markov shifts, Rotations of the circle, Rotations of the torus, Automorphisms of the Torus, Gauss transformations,
Skew-product, Poincare Recurrence lemma: Induced transformation: Kakutani towers: Rokhlins lemma. Recurrence in Topological Dynamics, Birkhoffs
Recurrence theorem, Ergodicity, Weak-mixing and strong-mixing and their
characterizations, Ergodic Theorems of Birkhoff and Von Neumann. Consequences of the Ergodic theorem. Invariant measures on compact systems,
Unique ergodicity and equidistribution. Weyls theorem, The Isomorphism
problem; conjugacy, spectral equivalence, Transformations with discrete
spectrum, Halmosvon Neumann theorem, Entropy. The Kolmogorov-Sinai
theorem. Calculation of Entropy. The Shannon Mc-MillanBreiman Theorem, Flows. Birkhoffs ergodic Theorem and Wieners ergodic theorem forflows. Flows built under a function.
Reference Book
M555 - Harmonic Analysis
M555Course: M555
Credit: 4
Reference Book
M556 - Lie Groups and Lie Algebras - I
M556Course: M556
Credit: 4
General Properties: Definition of Lie groups, subgroups, cosets, group actions on manifolds, homogeneous spaces, classical groups. Exponential and
logarithmic maps, Adjoint representation, Lie bracket, Lie algebras, subalgebras, ideals, stabilizers, center Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula, Lie’s
Theorems. Structure Theory of Lie Algebras: Solvable and nilpotent Lie
algebras (with Lie/Engel theorems), semisimple and reductive algebras, invariant bilinear forms, Killing form, Cartan criteria, Jordan decomposition.
Complex semisimple Lie algebras, Toral subalgebras, Cartan subalgebras,Root decomposition and root systems. Weight decomposition, characters,
highest weight representations, Verma modules, Classification of irreducible
finite-dimensional representations, BGG resolution, Weyl character formula.
Reference Book
M557 - Operator Algebras
M557Course: M557
Credit: 4
Banach algebras/C*–algebras: Definition and examples; Spectrum of a Banach algebra; Gelfand transform; Gelfand-Naimark theorem for commutative Banach algebras/ C*-algebras; Functional calculus for C*-algebras;
Positive cone in a C*-algebra; Existance of an approximate identity in a C*-
algebra; Ideals and Quotients of a C*-algebra; Positive linear functionals
on a C*-algebra; GNS construction. Locally convex topologies on the algebras of bounded operators on a Hilbert space, von-Neumann’s bi-commutant
theorem; Kaplansky’s density theorem. Ruan’s characterization of Operator
Spaces (if time permites).
Reference Book
M558 - Representations of Linear Lie Groups
M558Course: M558
Credit: 4
Introduction to topological group, Haar measure on locally compact group,
Representation theory of compact groups, Peter Weyl theorem, Linear Lie
groups, Exponential map, Lie algebra, Invariant Differentail operators, Representation of the group and its Lie algebra. Fourier analysis on SU (2) and
SU (3). Representation theory of Heisenberg group . Representation of Euclidean motion group.
Reference Book
M559 - Harmonic Analysis on Compact Groups
M559Course: M559
Credit: 4
Reference Book
M560 - Modular Forms of One Variable
M560Course: M560
Credit: 4
Reference Book
M561 - Elliptic Curves
M561Course: M561
Credit: 4
Congruent numbers, Elliptic curves, Elliptic curves in Weierstrass form, Addition law, Mordell–Weil Theorem, Points of finite order, Points over finite
fields, Hasse-Weil L-function and its functional equation, Complex multiplication.
Reference Book
M562 - Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus
M562Course: M562
Credit: 4
Brownian Motion, Martingale, Stochastic integrals, extension of stochastic
integrals, stochastic integrals for martingales, Itˆo’s formula, Application of
ItÔ’s formula, stochastic differential equations.
Reference Book
M563 - Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups
M563Course: M563
Credit: 4
Review of Several variable Calculus: Directional Derivatives, Inverse Function Theorem, Implicit function Theorem, Level sets in R n , Taylor’s theorem, Smooth function with compact support. Manifolds: Differentiable
manifold, Partition of Unity, Tangent vectors, Derivative, Lie groups, Immersions and submersions, Submanifolds. Vector Fields: Left invariant vector fields of Lie groups, Lie algebra of a Lie group, Computing the Lie algebra
of various classical Lie groups. Flows: Flows of a vector field, Taylor’s formula, Complete vector fields. Exponential Map: Exponential map of a Lie
group, One parameter subgroups, Frobenius theorem (without proof). Lie
Groups and Lie Algebras: Properties of Exponential function, product formula, Cartan’s Theorem, Adjoint representation, Uniqueness of differential
structure on Lie groups. Homogeneous Spaces: Various examples and Properties. Coverings: Covering spaces, Simply connected Lie groups, Universalcovering group of a connected Lie group. Finite dimensional representations
of Lie groups and Lie algebras.
Reference Book
M564 - Groups and Lie Algebras - II
M564Course: M564
Credit: 4
General theory of representations, operations on representations, irreducible
representations, Schur’s lemma, Unitary representations and complete reducibility. Compact Lie groups, Haar measure on compact Lie groups,
Schur’s Theorem, characters, Peter-Weyl theorem, universal enveloping algebra, Poincare-Birkoff-Witt theorem, Representations of Lie(SL(2, C)). Abstract root systems, Weyl group, rank 2 root systems, Positive roots, simple
roots, weight lattice, root lattice, Weyl chambers, simple reflections, Dynkin
diagrams, classification of root systems, Classification of semisimple Lie algebras. Representations of Semisimple Lie algebras, weight decomposition,
characters, highest weight representations, Verma modules, Classification of
irreducible finite-dimensional representations, Weyl Character formula, Therepresentation theory of SU (3), Frobenius Reciprocity theorem, Spherical
Reference Book
M565 - Mathematical Foundations for Finance
M565Course: M565
Credit: 4
Financial market models in finite discrete time, Absence of arbitrage and
martingale measures, Valuation and hedging in complete markets, Basic
facts about Brownian motion, Stochastic integration, Stochastic calculus:
ItÔ’s formula, Girsanov transformation, Itˆo’s representation theorem, BlackScholes formula
Reference Book
M568 - Ordered Linear Spaces
M568Course: M568
Credit: 4
Cones and orderings; order convexity; order units; approximate order units; bases. Positive linear mappings and functionals; extension and separation theorems; decomposition of linear functionals into positive linear functionals. Vector lattices; basic theory. Norms and orderings; duality of ordered spaces; (approximate) order unit spaces; base normed spaces. Normed and Banach lattices; AM-spaces, AL-spaces; Kakutani theorems for AM-spaces and ALspaces. Matrix ordered spaces: matricially normed spaces; matricial ordered normed spaces; matrix order unit spaces; Arveson-Hahn-Banach extension theorem.
Reference Book
Text Book
MA601 - Algebra I
MA601Course: MA601
Credit: 8
Group Theory: Dihedral groups, Permutation groups, Group actions, Sylow’s theorems,
Simplicity of the alternating groups, Direct and semidirect products, Solvable groups,
Nilpotent groups, Jordan Holder Theorem, free groups.Ring Theory: Properties of Ideals, Chinese remainder theorem, Field of fractions, Euclidean
domains, Principal ideal domains, Unique factorization domains, Polynomial Rings,
Irreducibility criteria, Matrix rings.Module Theory: Examples, quotient modules, isomorphism theorems, Generation of
modules, free modules, tensor products of modules, Exact sequences - Projective, Injective
and Flat modules.
Reference Book
MA602 - Algebra II
MA602Course: MA602
Credit: 8
Linear Algebra: Matrix of a Linear transformation, dual vector spaces, determinants, Tensor
algebras, Symmetric algebras, Exterior algebras,Modules over PIDs: Basic theory, Structure theorem for finitely generated abelian groups,
Rational and Jordan canonical forms.Field Theory: Algebraic extensions, Splitting fields, Algebraic closures, Separable and Inseparable
extensions, Cyclotomic polynomials and extensions, Galois extensions, Fundamental
Theorem of Galois theory, Finite fields, Composite extensions, Simple extensions, Cyclotomic
extensions and Abelian extensions over rational field, Galois groups of polynomials,
Fundamental theorem of algebra, Solvable and Radical extensions, Computation of Galois
groups over rational field.
Reference Book
MA603 - Analysis I
MA603Course: MA603
Credit: 8
Spaces of functions: Continuous functions on locally compact spaces, Stone-Weierstrass theorems, Ascoli-Arzela Theorem. Review of Measure theory: Sigma-algebras,measures, construction and properties of the Lebesgue measure, non-measurable sets, measurablefunctions and their properties. Integration: Lebesgue Integration, various limit theorems,comparison with the Riemann Integral, Functions of bounded variation and absolute continuity.Measure spaces: Signed-measures, Radon-Nikodym theorem, Product spaces, Fubini'sthoerem (without proof) and its applications. Lp-spaces: Holder and Minkowski inequalities,completeness, Convolutions, Approximation by smooth functions. Fourier analysis: FourierTransform, Inverse Fourier transform, Plancherel Theorem for Real numbers.
Reference Book
MA604 - Analysis II
MA604Course: MA604
Credit: 8
Banach spaces: Review of Banach spaces, Hahn-Banach Theorem and its applications, Baire Category theorem and its applications like Closed graph theorem, Open mapping theorem.Topological Vector spaces: Weak and weak* topologies, locally convex topological vector spaces.
Hilbert spaces: Review of Hilbert spaces and operator Theory, Compact operators, Schauder's theorem on the spectral theory of compact operators.Banach algebras: Elementary properties,
Resolvent and spectrum, Spectral radius formula,
Ideals and homomorphisms, Gelfand transforms, Gelfand theorem for commutative Banach algebras.
Reference Book
MA605 - Topology I
MA605Course: MA605
Credit: 8
Topological spaces, Continuous maps between topological spaces, product topology,Quotient spaces, Connectedness, Compactness, Path connected spaces, separation axioms,Tychono spaces, Urysohn's lemma and metrization theoremDierentiable functions on Rn, Jacobian criteria, Taylor's theorem, Inverse function theorem,Implicit function theorem, Maxima-minima, Lagrange multiplier
Reference Book
MA606 - Topology II
MA606Course: MA606
Credit: 8
Homotopy Theory: Fundamental groups and its functorial properties, examples,Van- Kampen Theorem, Computation of fundamental group of S1.Covering spaces: Covering spaces, Computation of fundamental groups using cover- ings. Theclassication of covering spaces. Deck transformations.Simply connected spaces: Simply connected spaces-Universal covering spaces of locally simplyconnected and pathwise connected spaces. - Universal covering group of connected subgroupsof General Linear groups.Homology groups: Ane spaces, simplexes and chains - Homology groups - Properties ofHomology groups. - Chain Complexes, Relation Between one dimensional Homotopy andHomology groups. Computation of Homology groups Sn, Brouwer's xed point theorem.
Reference Book
MA607- Complex Analysis
MA607Course: MA607
Credit: 8
Review of basic Complex Analysis: Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchy's theoremand estimates, power series expansions, maximum modulus principle, Classication ofsingularities and calculus of residues; Normal families, Arzela-Ascoli theorem, Riemann mappingtheorem; Weierstrass factorization theorem, Runges theorem, Mittag-Leers theorem;Hadamard factorization theorem, Analytic Continuation, Gamma and Zeta functions
Reference Book