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विद्यार्थी कार्य अनुभाग
राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान शिक्षा एवं अनुसंधान संस्थान



Cultural Events

Umang 2023

The Students’ Gymkhana and the scientific-cultural clubs of NISER along with the SAO conducted UMANG 4.0, the 4th version of the Intra-College Cultural Fest of NISER on 28th and 29th of October Last Year. The Event geared up to deliver an exhilarating experience to the NISER community, featuring a stellar lineup of events, DJ Night, Prom Night and Fashion Show. The Fest comprised of 26 different cultural event targeted to celebrate the talent, creativity and vibrant spirit of the NISER students community.

Promoting the glorious history of YOGA, the Fest kickstarted with a Yoga Session followed by a Yoga Asana competition aimed to teach the values of yoga to the young scientific minds. This was followed by various scientific events namely Against Time, Make Your Own Nebulae, Scientia, The Reaction Tear List, Neural Nexus and Three Minutes Thesis that promotes the rich scientific culture of NISER as one of Bharat’s pioneering research Institutes.

Besides scientific activities, the students also took part in various other co-curricular events namely Tune Therapy, Mad-agascar, Wild Funk, Cheese & Chase, Echoes, Epoch, Film Quiz, Leaf Art Competition, Muse, Nrityotsav, Pot Painting, Riddler’s Rizz, Te Quizero, NAC Astrophotography, Short Film and Open Mic which provided them a platform to showcase their Dancing, Singing, Musical, Drama, Photography, Painting, literary and various other skills.

The Event also featured 3 different food stalls that provided an opportunity to savour some delicious treats while being immersed in the festivities. The Event concluded with an electrifying DJ Night in the SAC premises of NISER, bringing all the students together to celebrate the occasion, forgetting all stressful assignments, quizzes that they had been throughout the semester.

Holi 2024

The joyous celebration of Holi took place at the campus of the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER). Holi, the festival of colors, is not just about splashing colors on one another but also about fostering bonds of camaraderie and unity. This year, the vibrant spirit of Holi resonated throughout our campus, bringing together students in a jubilant atmosphere of festivity and harmony.

The festival commenced with students joyfully spreading each other with vibrant gulaal, spreading happiness and warmth all around. Music made the festival even more exciting, with a DJ playing songs that got everyone dancing happily together. Pana, a refreshing drink, was served to satisfy the thirst of the students in the scorching summer heat.

The Holi celebrations at NISER served as a reminder of the importance of coming together as a community, irrespective of our differences, to celebrate the joy of togetherness. Students from various states and cultural backgrounds came together to join in the celebration, showcasing the rich pattern of traditions that compose our campus community. It was a day filled with laughter, love, and togetherness, leaving behind memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Saraswati Pooja (Vasant Panchami)

Following the traditions, the students of NISER celebrate Vasant Panchami and Saraswati Puja every year. This event is meant to celebrate the end of winter and welcome the fresh air of spring. Along with this we also welcome Maa Saraswati, the goddess of music, art, and knowledge into our abodes. The event commenced early in the morning of 14th February with the puja of Maa Saraswati. This was followed by Pushpanjali and Prasad distribution. The students of NISER gathered to worship Maa Saraswati and ask for her blessings. There was also a small cultural program organized by the students after the Sandhyararti in the evening. The program for the day concluded with the distribution of Bhog Prasad for dinner to the NISER community. The next day there Arati both in the morning and evening. On 16 February, we bid farewell to Maa Saraswati following a Visharjan Puja. This concluded the event.

Ganesh Chaturthi

At the beginning of the semester, NISER's Marathi Mandal organizes a special event devoted to Lord Ganesha, spanning five days of vibrant celebrations. The festivities commence with the installation of Ganesh idols, known as Ganesh Prathista, marking the auspicious presence of the beloved deity on campus. Each day, from morning till evening, devotees gather for heartfelt prayers and aarti ceremonies, immersing themselves in spiritual reverence and devotion. Throughout the event, a myriad of cultural programs and competitions add to the jubilant atmosphere, including singing, drawing, and rangoli competitions, showcasing the artistic talents of students and fostering a sense of camaraderie among participants. The campus buzzes with excitement as students come together to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and traditions associated with Ganesh Chaturthi.

As the festivities draw to a close, the organizers of the event, in a gesture of environmental consciousness, distribute saplings to all hostels, promoting the importance of sustainability and green initiatives. The grand finale culminates in the spectacular Ganeshji Visarjan Miravnuk, a procession filled with music, dance, and heartfelt farewells, as the idol of Lord Ganesha is immersed in water, symbolizing his departure until the next year's celebration.

Organizers: NISER Marathi Mandal


Onam is an annual harvest festival of Kerala and an integral part of Malayali culture. It is attributed the return of mythological Asura king Mahabali to visit his subjects from his exile in the underworld and has come to represent a celebration of an imagined past of egalitarianism and plenty.

The Malayali community in NISER also organises Onam celebrations with much fanfare every year, which attracts enthusiastic participation from all of NISER. As part of the celebrations, the floral rangoli called Onappookkalam is laid, popular onam games are organised. The traditional Onam feast or Sadya is had on plantain leaves by students and faculties, followed by cultural programs. From onam songs to onakkodees (Onam garments), NISER pulls no stop in bringing Onam and Mahabali so far away from Kerala to Bhubaneshwar.


We celebrated Noboborsho-1429(নববর্ষ ১৪২৯) at NISER in 2023. It was a jubilant affair to celebrate the beginning of Bengali New Year. Students and faculty united in a vibrant song, dance, and drama evening showcasing Bengal's rich heritage. The event culminated in a feast of Bengali delicacies, from savory veg curry to sweet Rasogolla, delighting taste buds and fostering community spirit. It celebrated culture and tradition, leaving lasting memories of unity and pride in Bengali Heritage.


Lohri, a festival deeply rooted in Punjabi culture, was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm at NISER on January 13th, 2024. The event, attended by more than 500 people, brought together students and faculty in a jubilant atmosphere marked by traditional rituals and culinary delights.

The focal point of the celebration was a towering bonfire, around which the NISER community gathered to partake in the festivities. Amidst the crackling flames, the air was filled with the aroma of roasted peanuts, sweet jaggery milk, and the delectable carrot pudding known as 'gajjrela'. Additionally, a variety of culinary delights including chana chat added to the gastronomic experience, delighting the taste buds of all attendees.Adding to the vibrancy of the occasion, traditional Punjabi music reverberated through the air, courtesy of the lively beats of the dhol and the tunes spun by a DJ. The rhythmic beats set the stage for spontaneous dancing and merriment, as students and faculty joined in the revelry with gusto.

Moreover, the celebration was punctuated by bursts of colorful firecrackers, illuminating the night sky and adding to the festive ambiance. The sight of the illuminated fireworks added an extra layer of excitement and joy to the gathering, further enhancing the festive spirit of Lohri.


The Iftaar Meet organized on the NISER campus last year was a significant event that brought together students in a spirit of unity and positivity. The event took place on 14th April 2023 at the Community Centre, coinciding with the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan, a time of fasting, prayer, and reflection for Muslims worldwide, was celebrated through this Iftaar gathering.

The motive behind the Iftaar Meet was to provide an opportunity for individuals to break their fast together, share traditional Iftar dishes, and reflect on the values of Ramadan, such as self-discipline, patience, and compassion. The event aimed to promote positivity and unity among participants, fostering a sense of community and togetherness.

Starting at 5:45 pm on 14th April 2023, attendees gathered to break their fast and enjoy a spread of delicious Iftar dishes along with arrangements made to provide food boxes for security personnel at no cost.

The Iftaar Meet received an overwhelmingly positive response from students, with numerous attendees expressing their satisfaction with the event. The success of the gathering was evident through the shared joys and camaraderie experienced by all participants, highlighting the significance of cultural and religious celebrations in fostering a sense of community within educational institutions.


Christmas is a time of togetherness, friendship, and joy. We, the newest batch at NISER, brought the Christmas spirit to campus on the 24th of December, 2023. Christmas at NISER was a night of laughter, music, camaraderie, and warmth. The SAC was the event's centerpiece due to the colourful decorations and the presence of all the NISERites. For the first time in NISER history, a travelling choir (organized by the students) went around campus to bring Christmas cheer to the resident's doorstep. In collaboration with Sapsara, a photography contest was organized to share what Christmas looked like across the country. Christmas cakes were distributed to all in the SAC and all the staff as a token of gratitude for all they do for us. All in all, it was a magical event, and we hope it becomes a tradition henceforth.


We celebrated Agomoni-2023 at NISER, heralding the onset of Debi Paksha. Students and faculty united in a vibrant song, dance, and drama evening showcasing Bengal's rich heritage. Alongside, captivating photograph and drawing exhibitions added visual flair to the evening, highlighting artistic talent within the community. The event culminated in a feast of Bengali delicacies, from savory veg curry to sweet Rasogolla, delighting taste buds and fostering community spirit. Agomoni-2023 was a vibrant fusion of culture, art, and gastronomy, promoting unity among the participants.

The Inter IISER Cultural Meet (IICM)

The Inter IISER Cultural Meet (IICM) is the annual Cultural Meet conducted among all the seven IISERs, NISER, CEBS, and IISc to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, promote diversity and inclusion, and enrich the academic and social experiences of students and researchers.

This annual meet offers a platform to students from various disciplines to gather in a common ground and showcase their extracurricular talent thus ultimately enhancing creativity and productivity.

IICM’ 23 was organized in IISER Mohali for a span of 3 days i.e. from 18th December to 20th December where NISER was one of the ten participating institutes. A contingent size of 59 students in total had represented NISER in various online events at IICM ’23.

As per the decision of all the Cultural secretaries and the Organizing committee of IICM’ 23 a rule book consisting of 23 events was formulated out of which 18 were offline events whereas 5 were online events.

Overall NISER has secured seventh position in IICM’ 23 held at IISER Mohali and aims to achieve better heights in future. In a nutshell IICM’ 23 has been an enriching experience for all the participating institutes as it provided an arena for exchange of ideas, cultural growth and personal development of the students.