ଛାତ୍ର କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ବିଭାଗ
ଜାତୀୟ ବିଜ୍ଞାନ ଶିକ୍ଷା ଏବଂ ଗବେଷଣା ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ

विद्यार्थी कार्य अनुभाग
राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान शिक्षा एवं अनुसंधान संस्थान



Sports Facilities

Sports Club

The Sports Club encompasses all the athletic activities taking place at NISER. It is led by the captains from various sports disciplines and the Sports Secretary, who form the core committee of the club. These key members coordinate intra-NISER sports competitions, manage the official NISER festival (Tvisha), and also represent the institute in external inter-university tournaments such as IISM (Inter IISER Sports Meet), Chiasma, VIRAJ, and more.

Core Members
Event Captain Contact
Basketball Boys Amit George Thomson 9442063341
Basketball Girls Sneha N 9380092276
Badminton Boys Srinivas CL 9400843963
Badminton Girls Athulya K 8086387218
Carrom Prasant Sethi 7849042287
Cricket Nikhil Anand 9024260656
Kabaddi Sikun Pradhan 8260803798
Football Boys Tanush Reddy Vaka 8125769420
Football Girls Shana 9827611669
Kho-Kho Boys Rajyabardhan Singh 7978378552
Kho-Kho Girls Shyamali Naikwade 9405650548
Lawn Tennis Boys Indrajit Paul 9734635815
Lawn Tennis Girls Sri Uma Maheswari 9483584500
Volleyball Boys Thejas N Manoj Kumar 8984018609
Volleyball Girls Smruti Samapika 9827922544
Sports Facilities

Since 2019, our institution has transformed its sports landscape, introducing two cutting-edge synthetic Lawn Tennis courts and a vibrant Basketball court. The jewel in our crown is our newly minted cricket ground, a picturesque venue that has already hosted esteemed tournaments like the Department of Atomic Energy National Cricket Meet and Tvisha, elevating our sporting prestige. In a proactive move towards player safety, we've incorporated a portable mat for Kabaddi, turning a high-impact game into a safer and more enjoyable experience. For Volleyball enthusiasts, separate grounds for boys and girls have been strategically positioned, adding to the thrill and accessibility of the sport. Our specially designed Kho-Kho ground has become a hotspot for adrenaline-pumping matches, while our centrally located Football ground, encircled by Athletic tracks, is poised for an exciting renovation. As we eagerly await its transformation, we anticipate it becoming the heartbeat of our sports facilities, promising an exhilarating year ahead for our athletes and students alike.

Our institution boasts a diverse array of indoor sports opportunities, catering to both competitive and recreational interests. For the cerebral strategist, we offer an abundance of Chess boards and clocks, as well as Carrom boards complete with tables, ensuring endless hours of enjoyable gameplay. Fitness enthusiasts will appreciate our state-of-the-art Gym located at the SAC premises. This well-equipped facility features a dedicated cardio room and an air-conditioned space for strength training, providing a holistic workout experience tailored to individual needs. Table Tennis aficionados will find their haven in our specialized Table Tennis room, complete with a floor mat and a robotic auto-feeder machine, enhancing the playing environment and elevating the game to new heights. Badminton enthusiasts are spoilt for choice with a synthetic indoor court conveniently situated at the entrance of the Lecture hall, complemented by an outdoor counterpart just steps away. Excitingly, we are expanding our badminton facilities by installing courts in every hostel premises, catering to the needs of casual players looking to unwind and have fun. Our institution's commitment to sports is evident in the variety and quality of facilities available, catering to diverse interests and skill levels, and fostering a vibrant and inclusive sporting culture that promotes health, wellness, and community engagement.
