ଭୌତିକ ବିଜ୍ଞାନ ବିଭାଗ
ଜାତୀୟ ବିଜ୍ଞାନ ଶିକ୍ଷା ଏବଂ ଗବେଷଣା ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ

भौतिक विज्ञान विभाग
राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान शिक्षा एवं अनुसंधान संस्थान



Lab. Manuals :: Integrated MSc

Lab Manuals for Semester-IV (P246)

Advanced Electronics Lab (P246)
  1. (a) Study of basic OPAMP configurations (IC741) and simple mathematical operations
    (b) Applications of OPAMP as comparator and Schmitt Trigger
  2. Differentiator, Integrator and active filter circuits using OPAMP (IC741)
  3. Phase shift oscillator using OPAMP (IC741)
  4. Study of Boolean logic operations using ICs
  5. Design and study of full adder and subtractor circuits
  6. Design and study of various flip flops circuits (RS, D, JK, T)
  7. Design and study of various counter circuits (up, down, ring, mod-n)
  8. Design and study of multivibrator circuits using IC555
  1. Exp 1-3_2023
  2. Exp 4-5_2023
  3. Exp 6_2023
  4. Exp 7_2023
  5. Exp 8_2023

Lab Manuals for Semester-VI (P341 & P347)

Nuclear physics and Instrumentation Lab(P341)

Radiation safety instruction

  1. G.M. 1: Basics of GM Counter-Characteristics and Counting Statistics. [ Manual ]
  2. G.M. 2: Application of GM Counter(Range of Beta Particles, Attenuation of Bremsstrahlung, Half-life measurement, Back Scattering etc.) [ Manual ]
  3. Study of Gamma Ray Spectroscopy by SCA and MCA [ Manual-SCA ] [ Manual-MCA ]
  4. Study of Gamma-Gamma Coincidence using Na-22. [ Manual ]
  5. Study of Rutherford Scattering [ Manual ]
  6. Construction of ADC and DAC circuits [ Manual ]
  7. Study of Compton Effect. [ Manual ]
  8. Characteristics Response of a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) [ Manual ]
Solid State Physics Laboratory | (P347)
  1. Measurement of resistivity and determination of band gap using Four-Probe method
  2. Bandgap measurement by Uv-Vis Spectroscopy and analysis of band structure
  3. Hall effect of semiconductors
  4. Magnetoresistance and Hall effect of Bismuth
  5. Mono-atomic and diatomic lattice vibration study using electronic circuits
  6. Study of phase transition in BaTiO3
  7. I-V characteristics of solar cell
  8. C-V characteristics of solar cell
  9. Experiments with Seelab 3.0 [ Note | Unit Manual | EM Induction | 555 Timer ]

Semester-VII (P445)

P445-Integrated Physics Laboratory-1
  1. Superconductivity using LC circuit
  2. Dielectric constant at microwave frequency
  3. Magnetostriction using Michelson Interferometry
  4. Study of Faraday effect
  5. Study of Raman Spectroscopy
  6. Alignment of He-Ne laser and study of spectral and spatial properties of the beam
  7. Study of Nd-Yag laser
  8. Study of Z-scan
  9. Experiments with optical fiber

Semester-VIII (P446)

P446-Integrated Physics Laboratory-2
  1. Study of Negetive group delay in electronic circuit
  2. Study of Lock-in-Amplifier
  3. Study of Coupled Oscillator
  4. Study of Holography
  5. Study of Laser Gyroscope
  6. Study of Earth field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  7. Study of Interference, Diffraction and other experiments using Microwaves
  8. Study of Laser Doppler Anemometry